The towel absorbed water from the sink.
He was absorbed in knowledge so much just like dry sand absorbed water.
He was absorbed in knowledge so much, just like dry sand absorbed water.
As absorbed water vaporise in reflow, internal cracks and failures may be created.
The drying temperature is strictly controlled, the board absorbed water lost to evaporation.
Rice is Chinese staple food rice every meal. Add water to boil rice, until fully absorbed water.
Evans says previously researchers had proposed that the stratum corneum had a structure that was capable of expanding as it absorbed water.
The amount of absorbed water per amide group varied in the order. polysulfone amide (PSA)> poly(benzimidazolone) (PBIL) > aromatic polyamid…
The wind, which is a mass of moving air, will be carrying much water vapor, because the air is warm and has just absorbed water from the gulf.
A systematically analytical method to determine the content of absorbed water, bounded water, SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 and TiO2 in the aluminum silicate fillers was introduced.
The purpose of NMP baking is to decrease amount of water from plastic packages prior soldering. As absorbed water vaporise in reflow, internal cracks and failures may be created.
Such water would be useless in improving physical performance, however, since the only way to get oxygen into the bloodstream so that it can be absorbed by the muscles is through the lungs.
In a normal water phase, rivers eventually empty into oceans, and once in the oceans, the Phosphorus gets absorbed by water plants like algae.
The ORS solution is absorbed in the small intestine, thus replacing the water and electrolytes lost.
The reflected light was found to be missing infrared wavelengths that are absorbed by water molecules.
So this identifies a number of thermal neutrons absorbed in control rods and water and that's sort of the thermal utilisation.
ORS is absorbed in the small intestine and replaces the water and electrolytes lost in the faeces.
Light is neither absorbed nor reflected by the objects, passing "like water flowing around a rock," according to the researchers.
Just as increased carbon in the atmosphere triggers effects that change the climate, increased carbon in the atmosphere - when absorbed by the oceans - triggers acidification in the water.
The researchers say the dead creatures probably are floating to the surface rather than sinking because they have absorbed gas bubbles as they filtered water for food.
A white crystalline substance that is soluble in water and alcohol, niacin and niacinamide are both readily absorbed from the small intestine.
When it comes to drinking during runs, cold water is actually better than lukewarm water because it's absorbed faster.
In laboratory-scale research, Cooper and co-workersfound that dry water absorbed over three times as much carbon dioxide asordinary, uncombined water and silica in the same space of time.
In laboratory-scale research, Cooper and co-workers found that dry water absorbed over three times as much carbon dioxide as ordinary, uncombined water and silica in the same space of time.
After being absorbed, the particles of water unite and form clouds; then they fall down in the form of fog, rain, snow, or hail.
The water findings came through an analysis of the slight shifts in color after the impact, showing telltale signs of water molecules that had absorbed specific wavelengths of light.
Some of this carbon dioxide is absorbed by ocean water, altering the proportion of hydrogen and carbonate ions, and making the water more acidic.
Soon they will swallow the whole shape, and the ash will be absorbed by the water and swept out into the ocean, a thousand particles floating apart and away, dissolved.
Soon they will swallow the whole shape, and the ash will be absorbed by the water and swept out into the ocean, a thousand particles floating apart and away, dissolved.