What's the cost of this XSLT abstraction layer?
Using SQLite with a database abstraction layer.
Figure 3 presents a class diagram for this abstraction layer.
In this way, it's less a kernel and more a hardware abstraction layer (HAL).
If you use an Ajax toolkit, the abstraction layer will resolve any naming conflicts.
The TeamBots API provides an abstraction layer for the control system (see Figure 5).
Strictly speaking, JAXP is an API, but it is more accurately called an abstraction layer.
The process is similar to what you've have already seen, thanks to JMX's abstraction layer.
In this article, we'll examine a simple abstraction layer which takes the bite out of using JDBC.
A hypervisor sits between the guest operating systems and the bare hardware as an abstraction layer.
I would like to see a hardware abstraction layer installed similar to what Fedora USES for hardware recognition.
The Hibernate framework is a data access abstraction layer that is called by your application for data persistence.
This provides an abstraction layer over the existing operating system-specific windowing system (GTK in case of Linux).
You can use Business Objects, extensions of Service Data Objects (SDO), to provide an abstraction layer for data access.
可以使用业务对象(服务数据对象 (SDO)的扩展)为数据访问提供抽象层。
Roles are related to project phases and define an abstraction layer decoupling job descriptions and performing resources.
Simple authentication and Security layer (SASL) is an API that provides an abstraction layer for authentication protocols.
The virtual file system (VFS) is the abstraction layer for the multitude of file systems that are supported in the kernel.
The simplest answer is as an abstraction layer, along the lines of the Windows HAL, but this doesn't tell the entire story.
Enterprise data services effectively create abstraction layer, shielding business functionality from the data access details.
Drupal is written on top of a database abstraction layer, so the framework can be easily extended to other database back ends.
This abstraction layer allows any operating system to run on the hardware without knowledge of any other guest operating system.
Dojo's data abstraction layer, dojo.data, provides a standard API for dojo applications to access a variety of back-end services.
dojo的数据抽象层dojo . data,为dojo提供一个标准API来访问各种后端服务。
As seen in Figure 1, a Web services enabler ACTS as an abstraction layer that provides various "channels" to access the needed services.
Logical volume management is a disk abstraction layer that allows you to group physical disks into a single entity called a volume group.
The VFS provides the abstraction layer, separating the POSIX API from the details of how a particular file system implements that behavior.
VFS提供抽象层,从而将POSIXAPI 与特定文件系统如何实现该行为的细节分离开来。
PDO is not an abstraction layer like PearDB. PDO is a more like a data access layer which USES a unified API (Application Programming Interface).
A framework could even be created that serves as an abstraction layer on top of J2EE,.net, or other industrial strength architectural frameworks.
框架甚至可以被创建,作为J2EE,. Net,或者其它的行业体系结构框架的抽象层。
A framework could even be created that serves as an abstraction layer on top of J2EE,.net, or other industrial strength architectural frameworks.
框架甚至可以被创建,作为J2EE,. Net,或者其它的行业体系结构框架的抽象层。