Signal control cable applied the copper cored cable which may withstand 500 AC rated voltage.
Through discussing the samples of ac signal, the basic method to solve spectrum leakage is pointed out, which is to guarantee the same pace between signal frequency and sampling frequency.
T3 on sampling signal panel is sampling transformer, which can convert primary voltage (0 ~ 380v) of primary transformer into 0 ~ 10v AC voltage.
取样信号板上T3为取样变压器,将整流变压器一次电压(0 ~ 380v)变为0 ~10v交流电压。
The frequency at which the voltmeter's response to an AC signal drops to 70% is often denoted as the "3db point" (f3dB).
电压表对交流信号的响应降低到70%时的频率常常称为“3d B点”(f3dB)。
This paper demonstrates an asynchronous sampling scheme, which can eliminate the restriction of the synchronous sampling requirement, for the measurement of the active power of the ac signal.
The DC excitation is internally converted to an AC carrier signal which excites the transducer's primary coil.
The DC excitation is internally converted to an AC carrier signal which excites the transducer's primary coil.