Jiangsu province is an important coastal province of China, the coastal development is being in the accelerating period.
At present, China has been entering an accelerating period of urbanization, and the improvement of urbanization should be taken as the top target of industrial policy.
Regardless of what social media people use, one thing is certain: we are in a period of accelerating change.
Results: with this method, the drug stocks can be controlled within 7 days during the purchasing period, accelerating the hospital's capital turnover, lessening the frequency of purchases.
The accelerating human resources development in the new period has already become the basic prerequisite of improving economic growth quality and benefit.
Temperature in the roots was also an important factor affecting spruce growth. The techniques for accelerating seedling growth could shorten the period of seedlings cultivation.
Conclusions: HXHY decoction can promote bone formation by accelerating the proliferation and the differentiation of osteoblast in vitro in early period.
The BRIC dental biomaterial market is extremely underpenetrated and will exhibit very strong growth over the forecast period due to accelerating adoption of dental implant procedures in the region.
The BRIC dental biomaterial market is extremely underpenetrated and will exhibit very strong growth over the forecast period due to accelerating adoption of dental implant procedures in the region.