CubeSat researchers suggest that now's the time to ponder unexpected and unintended possible consequences of more people than ever having access to their own small slice of space.
The average amount of time spent washing clothes also increased for rural households with no access to professional laundries.
The objective was to reduce the time and effort needed to obtain access to essential goods and services through an improved rural transport system.
It's a complex system wherein data is copied to multiple intermediate devices, usually to speed up access to files when millions of people are trying to access the service at the same time.
With that information you can model and calculate the data access time.
Bandwidth is usually not a problem and execution and access time are optimal.
Unless you measure carefully, you don't know the true average access time or throughput of your disk subsystems.
This policy defines the rule to migrate files from one pool to another depending on various file attributes like access time, modified time, file name, path, owner, and so on.
The large graphic files, in uncompressed format, can consume enormous disk space and the amount of bandwidth, thus slowing down access time.
The cache can easily scale to 40 GB, which can be spread across multiple machines, so the whole cache can be in memory, with minimal access time.
With this model, you can simulate the effects a higher near-cache hit will have on the average data access time.
Figure 15. Increasing the probability of a near-cache hit, either through larger near caches or affinity routing, reduces the average data access time.
This policy defines the rule to delete the files from the system depending on various file attributes like access time, modified time, file name, path, owner, and so on.
Besides the field access time tests, I did the same sort of timing test for method calls.
Developers should modularize, optimize, and index the requests to reduce access time.
As a result, the disk access time is much longer when reading data in random order than when reading in sequential order.
To compute the data access time, you need to know the probabilities for the data existing in the near-cache, in the server cache, and in the database.
If you check the basic attributes again, in the same way we did earlier, you should see that the last modified time has been altered but the creation time and last access time have remained the same.
To reduce database contention independent of making disk configuration changes, try approaches that may reduce database access contention or improve file access time.
Last access time (.lat) expiration.
最后访问时间(. LAT)过期。
The effect of increasing the probability of a cache hit in the near cache is a 42% improvement in data access time.
近缓存中缓存命中率逐渐增加,其效果是数据访问时间提高了 42%。
Memory is the best persistent store for a cache because access time is (practically) instantaneous and RAM is typically plentiful (or cheap to amass).
Given the optimal execution time, reducing access time is another concern for developers.
After applying the computations, the estimated data access time works out to be ~ 47 ms.
Data that needs to have subsecond access time.
In the initial example above, the reduction of key data access time from 60 ms to 6 ms was a direct result of this caching benefit and the load reduction on the back-end database.
在上例中,关键数据访问时间从60ms减少到6 ms是该缓存带来的直接好处,同时还减少了后端数据库的负载。
We include and maintain usage metrics (creation time, last access time, etc.) in the underlying database containing the calculator state.
st_atime -- the last access time
The database, which typically will have the slowest access time.
The two nulls indicate that we do not want to change the last access time or creation time for this file.