Central tools store user identity and access control information for the entire network in a single location and provide screens to manage it all.
The GIG evolved in response to the need for an environment in which users can access, share, collect, process, store, disseminate, and manage information on demand from any location in the grid.
GIG evolved in response to the need for an environment in which users can access, share, collect, process, store, disseminate, and manage information on demand from any location in the grid.
You access information within an agent by requesting data using a specific location within the MIB structure.
In earlier steps, you provided the information required for the ZRM, including data source class name, database location, and access information for the database.
Currently, courts are divided on whether access to location information requires a warrant or a subpoena.
This is the same with the access to the Lotus Domino database; the physical location of the database is not needed by the application developer since DB2 II manages that information.
这与对LotusDomino数据库的访问是一样的。应用程序开发人员无需知道数据库的物理位置,因为DB 2ii会管理这些信息。
WebSphere Application Server offers performance benefits, such as statement caching and allows you to access audit log information from any remote location using a Web browser.
Virtualized: Information Integrator provides a federated system to act as a virtual database which can transparently access any data, regardless of its location and SQL dialect.
虚拟化:Information Integrator提供了一个联邦系统来担当虚拟数据库,它能够透明地访问任何数据,不管自身的位置在哪里,也不管使用的是哪种SQL方言。
An Information Integrator instance that provides the capability to access distributed data without moving it to a central location.
无需移动到中心位置即可访问分布式数据的Information Integrator实例。
As a result, users don't have to be trained and updated on the physical location and access information for your data.
In database terms, a data source is a specific set of data, the information required to access that data, and the location of the data source, which can be described using a data-source name.
An ODBC data source is a specific set of data, the information required to access that data, and the location of the data source, which can be described using a data-source name.
OD BC数据源是数据、访问该数据所需的信息以及该数据源位置的特定集合,其中的数据源位置可用数据源名称描述。
Other access points nearby are then used to refine the location information, especially those in the presence area.
Other access points nearby are then used to refine the location information, especially those in the presence area.