This breaks my tests because I do not have access tokens to pass to the REST services.
The access tokens and secrets granted to an application can be used to access a user's provider resources and thus should be kept away from prying eyes.
If you are a member of the Built-in Administrators group, you are assigned two run-time access tokens: a standard user access token and an administrator access token.
Suppose I'm writing a service and I want to periodically poll for changes I can just use refresh token to get fresh access tokens every time the current access token gets invalidated.
Electronic tokens can be expensive, and must be carried by users at all times to ensure access.
Tokens - are used instead of User credentials to access resources.
Just like using passwords together with usernames to gain access, sites will use tokens together with secrets to access resources.
OmniFind can be configured to associate documents with security tokens or access control lists.
To access a context other than the one from which you are calling, you need to use security tokens or security callbacks.
If the tokens do not match V8 performs a callback to check if access should be allowed.
It prevents tokens from being maliciously submitted to gain access to a resource after the first use.
Much like authentication with physical tokens, biometric authentication has the limitation that you need to have access to a physical input device in order to be able to authenticate.
If the tokens match access is granted.
Since it is not necessary to have access to the.splogrc configuration file, you can see the Settings of the logging tokens with the help of DB2.GET_SP_CONFIG stored procedure.
由于根本没有必要具有访问.splogrc配置文件的访问权限,因此可以利用DB 2 . GET _ sp _ CONFIG存储过程的帮助来查看日志标记的设置。
Accepting Tokens Access Control service.
OAuth defines two different types of Tokens: Request and Access.
A host can control all code access to thread tokens by both the CLR and user code.
The tokens PPV can be run as concurrent conditional access mode to standard subscription, Event PPV or NVOD PPV.
令牌PPV可以在并发有条件接入模式下运行标准订购、事件PPV或NVOD PPV。
The tokens PPV can be run as concurrent conditional access mode to standard subscription, Event PPV or NVOD PPV.
令牌PPV可以在并发有条件接入模式下运行标准订购、事件PPV或NVOD PPV。