Objective:To discuss the diagnostic value of CT and MRI in ectopic intrapancreatic accessory spleen(IPAS).
前言: 目的:探讨胰腺异位副脾(I PAS)的CT和MRI诊断价值。
Given that an accessory spleen does not usually require treatment, accurate preoperative diagnosis will obviate surgery.
In particular, when the accessory spleen is located in the pancreas, it may mimic a well-enhancing solid pancreatic tumor.
ResultsAmong the 102 cases, 94 cases were with adrenal tumors, 3 with adrenal cyst, 2 with adrenal hyperplasia, 2 with renal tumor and with accessory spleen.
ResultsAmong the 102 cases, 94 cases were with adrenal tumors, 3 with adrenal cyst, 2 with adrenal hyperplasia, 2 with renal tumor and with accessory spleen.