Three row-style rails with stays to be provided on the accommodation deck and the main deck where the places without bulwark as per General arrangement plan.
根据总布置图,在主甲板和每层居住甲板上及无舷 墙处设置3列式栏杆和栏杆柱。
Just below, the top deck of the main accommodation and service Spaces - which could house shops, bars and restaurants - would be covered by a retractable canopy.
Deck plating outside accommodation should have camber.
Is an athwartship deck coaming fitted adjacent to accommodation and service areas?
Is an athwart ship deck coaming fitted adjacent to accommodation and service areas?
A three tier accommodation block fitted above poop deck aft.
Pilot safety access passage from pilot landing points to accommodation area, under deck log cargoes, to be provided.
应该提供从引水员着陆点到 住舱区域,甲板下原木货 舱的引水员安全通道。
Deck plating inside accommodation shall be stiffened by transverse beams at each frame and supported by longitudinal girders in suitable intervals to avoid vibrations.
Product oil tanker with one complete deck, twin-screws, double bottom, double skin, machinery and accommodation space aft.
成品油船; 钢制; 连续单甲板;双机双桨; 双底双壳; 由柴油机驱动的货船; 设有艏楼和艉楼;
Product oil tanker with one complete deck, twin-screws, double bottom, double skin, machinery and accommodation space aft.
成品油船; 钢制; 连续单甲板;双机双桨; 双底双壳; 由柴油机驱动的货船; 设有艏楼和艉楼;