The quality of ZaoShao liquor adopting the technique accorded with the quality criteria, which would lower production cost, shorten production period, and enhance the output rate of liquor.
DATA EXTRACTION: Totally 55 articles on popliteal cyst were collected, of which 24 ones were accorded with the inclusive criteria, and 31 articles were excluded.
The precision, accuracy and other indexes all accorded with the analysis criteria.
DATA EXTRACTION: There were 40 literatures in accordance with the above criteria, 27 repetitive studies were excluded, and 13 were accorded with the inclusive criteria.
DATA EXTRACTION: Totally 190 articles about MSCs and bone and cartilage tissue engineering, of which 30 articles were accorded with the inclusion criteria.
They all accorded with the diagnostic criteria for severe depression of American social mental disease, and they all knew the interventional schema and agreed.
Results Totally 6 references accorded with the research criteria were adopted, among them 2 479 cases were analyzed.
结果根据设定的纳入与排除标准,选入文献6篇,总样本量2 479例。
DATA EXTRACTION: Totally 71 relevant literatures were collected, 33 of which were accorded with the inclusive criteria, and the 38 repetitive ones or with old contents were excluded.
DATA EXTRACTION: Totally 71 relevant literatures were collected, 33 of which were accorded with the inclusive criteria, and the 38 repetitive ones or with old contents were excluded.