According to the chart, ten students went to Qionghai Wetland Park.
V. Answer the following questions according to the chart.
According to the chart, only 49% of the college students begin to work when they graduate.
According to the pie chart above, half of the students love science books.
That's according to a graphic making the rounds online that uses Facebook status updates to chart what time of year people are splitting up .
Yet in most, this fall is more than offset by the increase in mobile calls, according to a recent report by Ofcom, the British telecoms regulator (see chart).
That at any rate is the market view, according to the price of a credit-default swap which pays out if the borrower defaults (see chart).
The trick, according to Chiang, was for Jonathan to stop seeing himself as trapped inside a limited body that had a forty-two inch wingspan and performance that could be plotted on a chart.
According to Barclays Capital, emerging Asia is the only region in the world where output has regained its level before the crisis (see chart 1).
But China's real exchange rate with America has strengthened by almost 50% since2005, according to calculations by the Economist (see chart).
According to sales data, during the past 35 years the returns for high-end stringed instruments have vastly exceeded the performance of American stocks (see chart).
According to a recent study, 69% of Americans connected to the web use some kind of "cloud service", including web-based E-mail or online data storage (see chart 2).
According to the figures given in the chart, the amount of the refrigerator export increased considerably in 1994, which exerted profound influences in the import and export field of foreign trade.
The yield on mutual funds that invest in Treasuries is less than half its level of a decade ago, according to Lipper, another research outfit (see chart).
The value of all transactions in 2009 totalled a mere $3.8 billion, according to Dealogic (see chart).
According to Nilson Report, a trade magazine, American merchants shelled out $56 billion in payment-card fees last year (see chart), over twice the amount they paid five years earlier.
According to the FAO, the number of malnourished people in the world rose to over 1 billion this year, up from 915m in 2008 (see chart, below).
According to forecasts published by the IMF on May 14th, Britain's deficit will be the highest in the G7 both this year and next (see chart).
The expected volatility of the Japanese stockmarket increased by 224% in the days following the quake, according to the VXJ index (see chart 1), before falling back somewhat.
We should work according to the overall schedule chart (the construction time schedule) of the project.
Assists the DOS in the allocation of daily job to the Sales Team according to group chart.
The chart shows our ranking of 27 emerging economies according to their risk of overheating.
In Target Archery Championships the athletes will be seeded into the FITA Match play Chart (see Appendix 11 of Book 1) according to the position reached in the Qualification Round.
Summary:The product performance way has very much, includes according to them in the product design different stage: Effect chart, model.
According to the pie chart, we can see the proportion of males to females in 6 categories of employment.
The long run generally brings greater contentment, according to studies that chart the trajectory of happiness over a life span.
The platform produces the program according to the ladder chart, then is transformed to PLC to execute.
Drawing according to the electrical principal system chart provided by users.
Drawing according to the electrical principal system chart provided by users.