After graduating with a degree in business and accounting, she joined a public accounting firm, married, bought a house, put lots of stuff in it, and had a baby.
What do you want to know about working for an accounting firm?
One accounting firm, EY, uses an AI system that helps review contracts during an audit.
After all, no one wants to cause the fall of another big accounting firm.
I interned with an accounting firm during tax season.
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), a consulting and accounting firm, has conducted a biennial survey of economic crime for the past ten years.
Fang Chao, 25, has worked at an accounting firm in Beijing for three years.
To ensure the whole process was transparent, international accounting firm Deloitte set up an audit supervision team in which village chiefs signed papers acknowledging they had received supplies.
Some will start leasing the tools of their trade on short-term contracts. Others will simply buy instead of lease, predicts Deloitte, an accounting firm.
“The chancellor is flying the flag for Britain’s small companies and entrepreneurs,” says David Bywater at KPMG, an accounting firm.
“财长先生正在为英国的小型公司和企业家摇旗呐喊!” ,在会计公司毕马威戴维德.拜沃特作上述表示。
A recent survey by Campbell Dallas, an accounting firm, found that Aberdeen was one of only two British cities in 2009 to create more new companies than it lost.
To help everything go as smoothly as possible, I hired a Swedish accounting firm that helped me get my documents and business up.
That will make a lot of firms look wobblier: a survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers, an accounting firm, found that it would add about 58% to the average company's interest-bearing debt.
If I could have done one thing differently, I would have aligned myself from the start with an accounting firm that had access to venture capital.
With just four big accounting firms remaining, and none of the next tier big enough to take up the slack, the corporate world cannot easily handle another accounting-firm failure.
Dear Annie: I recently fled my comfortable and well-paid job as an auditor with an accounting firm because I couldn't ignore the unethical practices that were commonplace there.
In December 2008, soon after buying a house, she was abruptly fired from her job as a graphic designer at an accounting firm in Chicago.
Indian businessmen were the most upbeat among 32 countries surveyed recently by Grant Thornton, a London-based accounting firm: 97% of the respondents were bullish about the future.
根据伦敦会计公司格兰特·索顿(Grant Thornton)最近在32个国家所作的调查,印度商人是其中最乐观的——97%的受访者对未来十分乐观。
A recent survey for GlobalExpense, an accounting firm, found that 22% of Britons who were polled admitted to bumping up claims at some point.
I suspect if Angelina Jolie showed up to an interview at an accounting firm in flip-flops and dirty jeans, she'd have trouble getting hired.
"Our conscience," replied Arthur Carter, the head of a large accounting firm.
"Our conscience," replied Arthur Carter, the head of a large accounting firm.