In the field of accounting, internal accounting controls and some weak, there is financial balance control, providing false accounting information of the phenomenon.
In recent years, the problems of the accountants' professional morals caused by false accounting information have aroused more and more attention of the society.
The paper discusses important role of appointed accountant system in preventing false accounting information and strengthening supervision and restriction mechanism.
However, the disclosure of accounting scandals repeated false information, causing major losses to investors, but also seriously disrupted the smooth functioning of the securities market.
But its prerequisite is that listed company must be honest and creditable, the accounting information disclosed is true and believable, but not false.
Howevry, according to present situation of accounting information, false accounting information still exists in a large scale.
The foundation of the traditional accounting is a stable currency. The fluctuation of price brings up a problem of common information false to the traditional accountant.
The article analyses the false public accounting information based on the theory of Institutional Economics and puts forward a few of Suggestions.
In this paper, the reasons of different types of false accounting information are analyzed.
So the false accounting information must be gotten rid of.
Distorted accounting information in fixed assets is one of the important tasks in fighting against the accounting false.
Although the reasons for false information of accounting can be specified in many places, subjective fake making is its most representative and direct reason.
This discussion would be implemented through the following three aspects: the influence on corporation, the role to prevent false accounting information, and the influence on financial management.
The new countermeasure is trying to be obtained for restricting false accounting information in bank by using game theory to analyze and explain a series of problems.
False accounting is also called false accounting information, which is driven by profit internally and is caused by the lack sufficience of supervision externally.
The issue of false accounting information has been a focus in the mid 90's of 20th century.
The false accounting information can bring many illegal interests.
In addition, also analyses and draws from the humane visual Angle that influence of traditional culture to compatriots produced negative function in the false accounting information.
At present, there are various kinds of quality problems in stock companies' accounting information reported, such as false content, lack of completeness and effectiveness.
Then, after we analyse the advantage and disadvantage of spotting technology existed, we propose a new train of thought to apply expert system to screening false accounting information.
Accounting legal liability mainly refers that compiles and provides false accounting information, or called the responsibility of accountant creating fake.
At present, false accounting information is prevalent in our country. There are a lot of serious problems exiting in our accounting supervision.
Financial fraud is a accounting false behavior of enterprise consciously misstating or omission of accounting information, and forging surplus...
False accounting information has seriously disturbed the current normal operation of China's national economy.
The main reasons of false accounting information lie in pursuit of benefit and assumed accounting information . In China, there are some defects in corporate governance structure and legislation.
False accounting information in Chinese Banks always takes place. The phenomena of false accounting information such as listing false account and reporting false data and so on are hard to be banned.
The prevailing false information and the declined accounting ethics, has forced people to introspect the construction of accounting ethics in recent years.
The internal motivation is disclosed by analyzing the impact of producers, users and authenticators on false accounting information.
Through the analysis on the enterprise which provide false accounting information, can be found ineffective governance structure, misleading enterprise culture, poor quality employee and managers.
Through the analysis on the enterprise which provide false accounting information, can be found ineffective governance structure, misleading enterprise culture, poor quality employee and managers.