Human resource accounting is a new branch of disciplines, mainly including procedures and methods of identifying and measuring human resources data.
DISTINCTION BETWEEN BOOKKEEPING AND accounting Earlier accounting procedures were simple in comparison with modern methods.
Internal accounting control including the asset protection and ensure the authenticity and accounts and financial report about the integrity of the methods, procedures and organizational planning.
Article 4 In preparing financial reports, an Operator shall follow the guidance about accounting policies, system, procedures, methods, process, and principles prescribed in this Code.
第4条 第一类电信事业会计政策与制度、会计处理之方法、程序及原则,应依本准则规定办理;
Article 4 In preparing financial reports, an Operator shall follow the guidance about accounting policies, system, procedures, methods, process, and principles prescribed in this Code.
第4条 第一类电信事业会计政策与制度、会计处理之方法、程序及原则,应依本准则规定办理;