The noncrystalline structure is achieved by relatively rapid cooling below what is referred to as the glass transition temperature, around 1, 000 degrees Fahrenheit for the soda-lime variety.
What is the lowest temperature ever achieved in the laboratory?
In addition, high temperature, continuous wave operation of the laser has also been achieved.
Higher fastness can be achieved if the drying temperature is raised for printing.
The main thermo-dynamical processes related to greenhouse climate are analyzed systemically, and the control of the greenhouse temperature is achieved with hot water.
For the influence of temperature to EGO sensor's output, its nonlinear regression models which include temperature's modifying term be achieved.
Even greater differences are established under laboratory conditions where a temperature difference of 26c has been achieved.
Diffusion aided by hexamethyldisiloxane is used, whereby complete separation can be achieved in a few hours at room temperature.
Additionally, it achieved to dynamic monitor high temperature and drought by clearing off the influence of cloud using the way of picture mer ging and statistics.
It is found that the rate increases with the rise of temperature and high conversion rate can be achieved.
The aim is to enhance paper quality and reduce power consumption, it is achieved by adjusting refiner speed, refining temperature and stock residence time under this temperature.
In the fixed bed reactor the rate increases with the temperature and the high conversion rate is achieved.
It separates the complicated incubation controlling system into heating fuzzy and adding wet fuzzy controlling system so that the fuzzy control of temperature and humility can be achieved.
This improved algorithm has been applied to temperature data fusion of coal spontaneous combustion experiment successfully and achieved satisfactory results.
The direct measurement of total temperature of high-enthalpy flow was achieved through special shielded structure especially at disturbance environment of super electromagnetic field.
Based on calculated temperature distribution in the casting, the prediction of shrinkage defects can be achieved, which can be used as a tool to optimize the design of foundry technology.
The temperature compensation for fiber Bragg grating is achieved by using the device.
Temperature distribution and stress variation of welding are achieved and the results are discussed properly.
Lighting and temperature control is also achieved through vegetation.
Restrained recovery stress increases with increasing of temperature, and the maximum recovery stress is achieved after reverse martensitic phase transition is finished.
As the probe is cooled, the measurements for high flame temperature can be achieved.
The proper pouring and shell mould temperature have been suggested, so that both satisfied microstructure and excellent mechanical properties of superalloy K423A can be achieved.
An improved design of such a large tower must be achieved which results in more uniformed temperature distribution in it.
The temperature control is achieved by the microcomputer intelligent type double display and PLC temperature controller which can be set up, thus the temperature control precision is reliable.
Creative die head heating system, guarantees the temperature achieved fast the material needed.
The optimal control for the temperature is achieved by using self learning control based on a neural network.
Variation histories of total pressure of the vacuum system, product temperature as well as product mass are achieved by numerical calculation.
By evaluating the technology of new steel type and compiling reasonable process procedure, welding casing made of low temperature steel has been achieved successfully.
By evaluating the technology of new steel type and compiling reasonable process procedure, welding casing made of low temperature steel has been achieved successfully.