Aluminium borate melting block was prepared by the combination of boric acid, anhydrous alum and potassium sulfate.
Coupled flocculation and oxidation process was used to treat acid brilliant scarlet dye wastewater with Potassium permanganate as oxidant and poly-silicic-ferric sulfate as flocculant.
Cyclohexene was synthesized by dehydration of cyclohexanol using zirconium sulfate or potassium hydro - gen sulfate as catalyst instead of concentrated sulfuric acid.
The article discussed the method that waste acid in producting titanium dioxide prepared potassium sulfate. fer-rite carbonate and compound fertilizer.
The reaction conditions of 2-ethoxybenzoic acid were optimized by changing the amount of diethyl sulfate, reaction time of methyl salicylate and potassium hydroxide, the amount of sodium hydroxide.
The reaction conditions of 2-ethoxybenzoic acid were optimized by changing the amount of diethyl sulfate, reaction time of methyl salicylate and potassium hydroxide, the amount of sodium hydroxide.