The room was impregnated with that special leathery acid smell peculiar to the mountaineers.
Safe and environmentally benign operation without acid smell in the laboratory is another major feature!
Many patients are often due to the color of iodine, acetic acid smell, long-term interruption of the treatment process.
When cave researchers go to explore them, they see and smell, the sulfuric acid and gases at work.
By combining the Repeater Rifle and common acid, you can fire acidic ammunition at the most vicious Nemesis without having to worry about anything but the smell!
The actual causes of bad breath is caused by the large population of bacteria and chemicals such as acid indomethacin-yan, and the smell of sulfur and so on there.
Through fermentation test, some strains had properties of producing acid, solidifying milk and producing good smell.
A vinegary smell is caused by acetic acid, while a nail polish aroma reflects the formation of ethyl acetate.
It is white flammable nontoxic powder with good smell and with specific gravity of 1.095. It can dissolve in hot common solvent and acid, but not in water, ethanol or aether.
II. . Reasons and conditions: Pure crylic acid is in the form of colorless and transparent liquid with special pungent smell.
Acetic acid is the substance that gives vinegar its distinctive smell and sour taste.
The invention relates to an amino acid humectant special for tobacco with good moisturizing property, high content, good color and luster and smell, and higher specific gravity and viscosity.
The amino acid humectant also can improve the color and the smell of the tobacco, improve the quality of the tobacco, and have a certain tar-reducing function.
The amino acid humectant also can improve the color and the smell of the tobacco, improve the quality of the tobacco, and have a certain tar-reducing function.