A log or a recording in which the complete signal received at an acoustic transducer is recorded.
To calibrate acoustic transducer well and truly, an acoustics and vibration multiple environments is necessary.
An electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) can produce and receive ultrasonic waves though electromagnetic coupling.
The design and construction of the microscope, the acoustic transducer-focusing system, the mechanical microwave and electronic systems are presented.
An acoustic transducer system for use in the measurement of longitudinal sound velocity in a cement sample that is maintained at high temperature and pressure.
Its excellent electromechanical properties are superior to the piezoelectric ceramics. It is suit for the production of the underwater acoustic transducer and ultrasound transducer.
The comb transducer can be considered as the network of the parallel connection of some units of IDT electrical ports and the series connection of their acoustic ports.
Compared with traditional transducer, the vector detection technique can get the acoustic vector signal's spatial direction information.
Acoustic levitation device consists of three parts, ultrasonic generator, ultrasonic transducer and acoustic reflector.
The complementary series also find its applications in the acoustic surface, -wave transducer coding and the infrared spectrometry.
In addition, the first integrated circuit die, the at least one additional die integrated circuits, and the array of acoustic elements together form a large aperture transducer array.
Due to the extremely low mass of the ribbon, the transducer of this microphone boasts a premium transient response in converting acoustic energy into electronic signals.
The ultrasonic meter is configured to determine diagnostic data based on acoustic signals transmitted between the first transducer pair.
This paper presents an acoustic structure model of free—flooded cylindrical transducer installed with holed end-caps.
Match between the transducer and the amplifier is a key technology for a wide band high power underwater acoustic transmit system.
The invention provides a method for manufacturing the transducer by matching acoustic characteristic based on a KLM model.
The simulated results show that a stable acoustic standing wave is formed in bubble column under the geometric arrangements and the transducer boundary condition employed in this study.
A method has been developed to calibrate the positions of the transducer and the transponder in the ultra-short baseline acoustic position system (USBL).
There are a lot of research on the acoustic characteristics of the acoustic emission transducer and its array for the emission energy is concentrated in some specific direction.
The distance between the acoustic-emission source and the receiving transducer, and the background noise level are primary factors in selecting a particular frequency band.
The transducer-focusing system is the most important part in a scanning acoustic microscope.
Jiangnan acoustic factory was established in 1988 . it is a joint stock company which develops produce and manages buzzer ( magnet buzzer & piezo buzzer ) , mylar speaker and transducer etc.
武进市江南讯响器厂成立于1988年,是一家专业开发。生产。销售蜂鸣器(电磁式&压电式) ,薄型喇叭和驻极体传声器等股份制企业。
This transducer is mainly applied to the detection of the sodium cavitation noise, but can also be applied to the detection of the boiling noise and the acoustic noise of sodium-water reaction.
The head is a photo-acoustic detector using a closed air-cell and a pressure transducer.
The head is a photo-acoustic detector using a closed air-cell and a pressure transducer.