As a psychologist, I brought neuroscience questions to the study, like "How does the acquisition of a second language change thought?"
Error analysis as an important theory in Second language Acquisition plays a core part in guiding language teaching. It is practical.
Interlanguage fossilization is recognized as a widespread phenomenon in second language acquisition.
Communication strategies, as a special phenomenon of interlanguage in second language learner, has been widely studied in applied linguistics and the second language acquisition abroad.
Since metaphor, as a cognitive phenomenon, is pervasive, it is urgent for us to combine the metaphor theories in the second language acquisition and foreign language teaching.
隐喻是一种认知现象,在语言中随处可见,将隐喻与二语习得和外语教学结合起来迫在眉睫。 隐喻是一座桥梁,可以将教与学更加紧密地结合在一起。
Ergative sentences, as a special sentence pattern, are very difficult to master in second language acquisition.
Request, as a special kind of speech act, has attracted considerable attention in second language acquisition research for a number of reasons.
Second language acquisition theory has often regard implicit knowledge as one of a number of explanatory constructs in models of instructed L2 development.
Second language acquisition theory has often regard implicit knowledge as one of a number of explanatory constructs in models of instructed L2 development.