He barnstormed across the nation, rallying the people to the cause.
In an effort to spread awareness to teens across the nation, the Allstate Foundation sponsored a Keep The Drive Summit at Sunset Station on January 23rd.
Moreover, historians study people across the nation, but much literary scholarship called "American" actually examines works produced in northeastern states.
This month, more than 4 million students across the nation will begin high school.
Lotteries are used to finance U.S. churches and colleges (including Harvard), along with other civic improvements across the nation.
In the face of this accumulated wisdom, the question is why so many educators across the nation have, in recent years, decided that it is acceptable to reduce or eliminate recess.
The Great Depression and the hardship it caused spawned many classics of American literature that have since become fodder for high school English classes across the nation.
Armed with maps and guidebooks, hordes of Chinese families set off across the nation this summer — but some had a hidden agenda to their holidays.
About this time last year, the U. S. Marshals Service completed operation FALCON, an overwhelmingly successful, intensive operation to arrest fugitives across the nation.
In its first ever National building Competition, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency challenged teams from across the nation to cut wasteful energy use in buildings in which they live and work.
Communities across the Nation reduced holiday lighting and implemented various schemes for pumping short supplies of gasoline.
Across the nation, electric utilities and grid operators are preparing to respond to such problems.
With your help, along with the service and sacrifice of Americans across the nation who are hungry for change and ready to bring it about, I have faith that all will in fact be well.
Across the nation, Americans are increasingly unable to stretch their dollars to the next payday as they juggle higher rent, food and energy bills.
And the work we did won praise across the nation.
Consider today's online world. The Usenet, a worldwide bulletin board, allows anyone to post messages across the nation.
The pronouncement was enough to send fears of furtherradiation leaks across the nation.
Funerals are also becoming a financial burden for many families across the nation, as they seek to provide eternal sanctuary for their dearly departed loved ones.
It was Ueberroth's idea to run the Olympic torch across the nation, through hundreds of cities, by night and day.
The picture of all of us standing together on the back porch of the Governor's Mansion was big news across the nation.
But can this be a winning strategy across the nation as a whole?
Today, herculean efforts to save threatened species are unfolding at dozens of military sites across the nation, from Eglin, Fla.
Today, herculean efforts to save threatened species are unfolding at dozens of military sites across the nation, from Eglin, Fla.