It's too tight across the back.
He gave the donkey a whack across the back with his stick.
He lashed the horse across the back with his whip.
The racer lashed the horse across the back with a whip.
"I hope this man doesn't get us lost," his mother whispered across the back seat.
So he crept into a large sack, which had been lying across the back of one of the oxen.
FROM ABOVE -- THE SMALL SHADOW of Jake's banshee falls across the back of the mighty Toruk.
If you hit someone across the back of the head with a brick will they die or just get a bruise?
The seal across the back of our boiler was worn out, letting hot air blow out against the bearings.
Measure from the tip of one shoulder, horizontally across the back, to the tip of the other shoulder.
She found herself plodding across the back of the auditorium, praying for guidance, to an empty seat.
Bryant wore his Lakers varsity jacket, purple gold. It had several championship trophies across the back.
Threads are droopily suspended across the back wall and front window of the store, mimicking the form of a hammock.
Now, as you both inhale and exhale through your nose, direct the breath again slowly across the back of your throat.
If you can rub the brush across the back of your hand without scratching your skin, it's safe to use on your soft-top.
I had slung my handbag across the back of my chair and, when we stood up to leave, I found that the bag had left before me.
The large, zippered pocket across the back of the jacket looks roomy enough for one or two articles of clothing, as well as a few maps.
The last time I got stopped, the officer followed me into the village supermarket parking lot and pulled to a stop across the back of my car;
First all the bedding was made into two beds, laid on top of each other across the back of the wagon, and carefully covered with a pretty plaid blanket.
As he reached for one, he got SMACKED across the back of his hand by the wooden spoon his wife was holding. "Leave them alone!" she said, "They're for the funeral!"
NOTE: RH front and RH rear height sensors fitted to vehicles with Xenon headlamps have a white stripe across the back face of the sensor housing for identification.
Scientists believe that 17th?century Dutch seafarers were barely exaggerating when they wrote of being able to walk from one Indonesian island to another across the back of green turtles.
I cut across the expressway and took the fast lane back to Miami.
As she turned back, a movement across the lawn caught her eye.
They then made their way together back again across the river.
Participants were balanced across the three groups for age, sex, educational back-ground, severity and duration of depression, and use of antidepressants.
I fixed her hair like they do in the circus with the bright blanket across her back and a flower behind her ear.
She could hear Adelaide scrape across the stone floor in her heels, but Mandy didn't look back.
She could hear Adelaide scrape across the stone floor in her heels, but Mandy didn't look back.