At such moments, there are those on both sides of this debate who will act on principle.
The Occupational Health and Safety Act (2000) is based on the principle of duty of care and covers all workplaces in NSW.
Act in accordance with universal legal principle to actualize the defense on legal procedure and form basic behavior rule when carrying tourism right into effect.
And in this first act on the basis of theory and principle of legality, and the Penal Code of Modesty blame the inherent tension between responsible.
To judge whether the act of tort system is perfect and reasonable depends in the large scale on whether its principle of responsibility imputation system has been founded.
In the framework of RT, translation can be defined as an act of double ostensive-inferential cognitive process whose success depends causally on consistency with the principle of relevance.
The separation principle and abstract one of Property Act are the two foundation stones of the theory and questioning on it also centers on the controversy of the two principles.
The second was that it allowed the general principle: "one substance cannot act on another."
They differ greatly in nature. The principle of distinction actually has little connection with the act of property right in theory, but mainly focuses on the contract effect, …
The structure and principle of active control technology (ACT) for VR 3D simulation system are discussed, which is based on virtual reality technology and network communication technology.
The structure and principle of active control technology (ACT) for VR 3D simulation system are discussed, which is based on virtual reality technology and network communication technology.