Action Center Settings provides options to customize these notifications.
Click or right click on Flag icon in notification area (system tray), and then Open Action Center.
These troops have rarely been at the center of the action: in Afghanistan, they stay in the relatively calm north; in Lebanon, they patrol at sea, not on land.
He achieved some modest victories, pressuring the city to open a jobs center in the neighborhood, demanding action to remove asbestos from a housing estate.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest had threatened legal action if no agreement was reached.
The lady's refusal to drink of Comus' cup was just the first of Milton's attempts to bring the action of ingestion to the very center of a literary work.
The shy and unassuming Allen was--per his custom--standing off to the side of the court, away from the center of the action.
Call center staff will be able to click on action links highlighting customer id number, or issue id number.
To increase your understanding about when ClearQuest executes each kind of hook and to help you evaluate the hook code, see the Information center topic Execution order of field and action hooks.
为了增加您对ClearQuest什么时候执行每种类型hook的理解,并帮助您评价 hook代码,您可以查看信息中心来得到字段与操作的执行顺序。
The Information Mobility initiative focuses on managing and mobilizing data from the data center to the point of action.
The subjectivity principle of literature demands to recovery subject status of human and regard human as the center and the aim in literary action.
We also need to take action to reduce the availability of blunt objects coming to hand in licensed premises and city center streets.
The team's backup center Chris Mihm, who returned to action last month, also used this exotic treadmill during his recovery.
Wow…the center of the action! ! !
Congressional action this week will center on reducing emissions by raising vehicle fuel-efficiency standards, including those for SUVs.
At the center of all the action was Harry Truman.
If you are staying the night, the Wisp Resort Hotel and Conference center offers comfortable rooms, at the center of all the action.
This paper had discussed about the establishment of venous allocation center, its action and clinical significance.
"Tang Concubines" is the company's most recent action musical to play the Buell Theatre in the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. As usual, the show is written, produced and directed by Dr.
Methods: the action potential of sciatic trunk and contract curve of sural muscle of hoptoad were recorded, and the time of fatigue in nerve center, neuro-muscular junction and muscle was checked.
With material mechanics theory, expounded bolt tail subjected to no center load action and roof bolt broken mechanism while roadway was supported with bolts.
In accordance with the production of enriched labor, the analysis of operating action, decomposition, so that optimum operating standards and dry, the people operating as the center.
Methods: By recording the action potential of sciatic trunk and contract curve of sural muscle of hoptoad, and checking the time of fatigue in nerve center, neuro-muscular junction and muscle.
Results the correct accomplishments of LIFTING action were influenced by many factors, of which the adjustment of center of gravity was an important one.
Odour material action at smell cell, generation nerve impulse is conducted via olfactory nerve, reach the smell center of pallium finally, form smell.
The mechanism of macrolide's action indicates that the binding sites of macrolides are located inside the nascent peptide exit tunnel of the ribosomal 50S subunit near the peptidyl transferase center.
Summer is here - time to get afloat and join the action at the Beijing Sailing Center!
As the center of information integration of manufacturing system, CAPP takes on the important action of information integration and of function coordination.
As the center of information integration of manufacturing system, CAPP takes on the important action of information integration and of function coordination.