As stated previously, the owner for actions and properties by default is the plug-in ID in which the extension is created.
This component presents a button to the user with a configurable combo box and, like the Checker, supports a variable number of actions and properties.
Both properties and actions involve getting or setting the value of data elements in your component view.
For a tighter integration, the source code for this component can be used to create a wrapper for specific OLE components that expose more deeply integrated properties and actions.
On the desktop client, the property broker allows for declarative properties, actions, and wires to be used among completely decoupled components.
When there are few components, properties, and actions, then anything you can wire probably makes sense.
Many actions have cascading effects and cause additional properties to be fired.
Defining strong data types for the properties and actions of your components facilitates easier and more accurate application assembly.
Second, most components support a number of properties that report values and actions that consume them.
When creating the view, normally for paired properties and actions you want information to be chained.
The documentation on each component lists the properties it publishes, the actions it consumes, the values for these, and the effects of setting them.
Components communicate with one another through the use of properties and actions.
It maintains a number of values with symmetrical properties and actions for each value.
Although components are reusable in various applications, the static WSDL file can be a limitation because it might be desirable to have additional properties and actions in different situations.
These properties and actions are paired and connected with the UI.
Quite simply, this is a component that has properties and actions of each data type used anywhere in any of your component development.
The specification for the component view should delineate which of those properties and actions are valid for that component.
A generic string type can be used for general cases, and some components might be developed with all their properties and actions of this type.
So far, components used in composite applications come with a static WSDL file that defines the component's properties and actions.
Thus, instances of container components can have arbitrary amounts of properties and actions, depending on the situation in which they are used.
Actions. As with properties, this option is the typical case, and the actions in the data model properties should be used.
There may be circumstances, though, in which you want to use generic components that use weakly typed properties and actions.
The property broker is responsible for taking changed properties and distributing the property values to the appropriate actions as defined by the wires that are registered with the property broker.
The mapping of the source properties and target actions should conform to the mapping given in table 1.
One is tied to incoming actions, and the other is tied to outgoing properties.
Instead, they are required to declare the properties and actions to the broker in a WSDL file.
In the Properties dialog, click the Actions TAB and do the following.
The implies() method compares the name and actions properties for equality.
A Property Broker Editor, which ships with Lotus Domino Designer, provides a user interface that lets you define properties, types, and actions without writing an WSDL file.
随lotusDominoDesigner附带的属性代理编辑器(Property Broker Editor)提供一个用户界面,您可以通过它定义属性、类型和行为,而不用编写WSDL文件。
For each component, you declare properties and actions, after which you declare wires that allow these components to communicate through these properties and actions.