A practical case to treat wastewater of beer brewing by cyclic activated sludge system (CASS) is described.
Respirometry is very widely used to characterize the activated sludge system and to control its operation in wastewater treatment plant.
An activated sludge system consists of an equalization basin, a settling tank, an aeration basin, a clarifier, and a sludge recycle line.
At last, the essay offers a right proportion of carbon and phosphorus source that can ensure the activated sludge system to work normally.
The new composite activated sludge system named Semiplug flow reactor is discussed with the analysis of its application and actual projects.
The relationship between substrate biodegradation and biomass growth is studied in the complete mixing activated sludge system when it is used to treat domestic seawater.
The state point analysis can be used in the design and operation analysis of the activated sludge system as the RAS ratio, overflow rate and settling characteristics of flocci are varying.
当回流比、溢流率和絮体沉降特性处于变化中时,可用“状态点”的概念对活性污泥— 沉淀系统进行设计工作和系统分析。
Cyclic activated sludge System (CASS) is a batch fill and draw activated sludge process operated in sequences of aeration and non aeration which can effectively remove nitrogen and phosphorus.
The effect of salinity variations on sludge settling performance was investigated in the traditional activated sludge system when the toilet-flush seawater discharged into urban sewage system.
Cyclic activated sludge system (CASS) is an advanced sewage treatment technics. This paper presents a computer control system, which has a better adaptability and strength, and easy to maintain.
After that, by analyzing the fault types and parameters of operation state for wastewater treatment on activated sludge process, a fuzzy expert system for fault diagnosis is designed in detail.
The aerobic bio-treatment process with the activated sludge method is a complex system which has the properties of essential nonlinearity and strong disturbance to treat city sewage.
Domestication, culture of inoculation sludge and design of activated sludge handling system were studied.
Microorganisms of the activated sludge in SBR phosphorus removal system and their functions have been studied.
Description on the correlation of aerobic basin in activated sludge treatment system to secondary sedimentation basin from bioflocs breaking and incorporated in its mechanism were presented.
Activated sludge treatment system is leading water treatment methods. Activated sludge treatment system result in a large number of sludge.
In the activated sludge process, low treatment efficiency, sludge loss and large amount of foams forming will happen when the treatment system is shocked by high organic loads.
An experimental installation of column aeration system using activated sludge process was set up to treat brewery wastewater.
The activated sludge respiration inhibition test is one of an important bacterial test system for the determination of aerobic micro-organisms toxicity of chemical compounds.
CDPR-BAF process is the two-sludge system on the combination of the biofilm and activated sludge.
Based on Benchmark, this study build activated sludge process simulation platform, then evaluate the performance of control strategies by simulation results, and optimize the control system.
Based on Benchmark, this study build activated sludge process simulation platform, then evaluate the performance of control strategies by simulation results, and optimize the control system.