Wind turbine generators have the biggest influence on grid frequency when the generators trip and exit the power grid at rated active output power.
The response curves indicate that the adaptive fuzzy control is able to control the active output power and the reactive output power of the fuel cell.
This product USES the variable volume control technology, which can adjust according to indoor load demand active output, often regulation frequency energy efficiency than the ascension above 25%;
Afterwards, you can see in the lshwres command output that the active paging VIOS partition has changed to lpar_2_solchio06.
在此之后,在 lshwres命令输出中可以看到激活的分页VIOS分区已经变成了 lpar_2_solchio06。
After determining the active page, the portal USES the layout of the page to aggregate the content of the defined applications, to place the output, and to integrate everything into a complete page.
Power connector allows output power to be removed while inputs and communication are left active.
In order to minimize the PLL jitter, it is recommended to avoid active signal on the TEST output.
Note that when the currently active audio output device does not support volume control (such as an A2DP device), the volume slider is replaced by the appropriate device name.
Due to its active probe heads including a trigger output for protocol-synchronous recording at the oscilloscope reactionless measuring under operating conditions of your plant can be executed.
The blocking matrix of Figure 1-14 allows the connection of a single input to any single output. Therefore, only one signal path is active at any given time.
The progress in improving the output of active natural products by metabolic engineering is summarized, and the application prospects of plant metabolic engineering are discussed.
As the spot is translated across the active area, the current output for each segment can be used to calculate the position of the spot.
Writer proposes a framework for the automated translation of the output from knowledge discovery systems to active database rules.
In Chapter 8, Active functions of DFBPE output and equalization algorithm are modified for the adaptive equalization of multi-level modulation signal.
Based on this formula, the effects of the linewidth of input laser and the parameters of an active fiber ring resonator on the output linewidth were discussed.
This method has the advantages of no NDZ, high response speed and no influence on active power output of system. The simulation results validate the feasibility of this method.
By active scanning method, the output signal of the sensor is detected and analyzed under different ac modulating magnetic fields.
The scan output only shows the active Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and IP ports.
该扫描的输出仅显示了活动的传输控制协议(TCP)和IP 端口。
This method considered the influence of wind speed and load on active power output and reactive power output of wind farms. The processing of the wind farm node reflects its character accurately.
By changing the output equation and target function of control system, we can establish many semi-active suspension vehicle models.
This model can take into account the realistic steady-state losses of STATCOM if desired, and hence more accurately predict the active and reactive power output of it.
The output water of the utility model contains the active water; the molecules of the active water are polarized. The active water irrigates crops, and is beneficial to the growth and the high yield.
The information enterprise takes an active part in information market with the main output that is information product.
The experimental studies on active filters to attenuate the power supply output ripple are described, the structure and design of the filter are also introduced in this paper.
By using an active clamp circuit, the power transformer core is symmetrically reset. Zero voltage switching conditions are achieved over a broad input voltage and output current range.
System operation constraints are added into the optimization model of GENCOs' active power output.
At this Angle active volume of the working material was maximized, and higher output of the far infrared laser was obtained.
Photovoltaic panels would require active cooling in many building situations to maintain maximum output during summer months.
Runoff collecting irrigation agriculture rapidly rises in the last stage of the eighth five year plan in northwestern arid and semi arid region, and it plays an active role in promoting grain output.
At this Angle active volume of the working material was maximized, and higher output of the far infrared lase...