The simplicity of the Activity Streams standard makes it easy to build an encoder.
Activity Streams标准的简单性使得我们很容易构建编码器。
An Activity Streams entry element always contains three main elements that indicate.
Activity Streamsentry元素总是包含三个主元素,它们表示。
However, the Activity Streams specification allows for specialization of verbs and objects.
然而,Activity Streams规范允许特殊化动词和对象。
An Activity Streams parser should recognize each of these base verbs and objects, and handle them appropriately.
Activity streams解析器必须识别每一个基本的动词和对象,并且能够正确处理它们。
And, thanks to Atom's extensibility, Activity Streams can leverage existing application logic and existing parsers.
而且,由于Atom的可扩展性,Activity Streams能够利用现有的应用逻辑和现有的解析器。
In March 2009, MySpace became the first major social media provider to publish feeds in the Activity Streams format.
年3 月,MySpace成为第一个以Activity Streams格式发布订阅源的主流社交媒体供应商。
Although Box is a solid player in the cloud storage market, it's playing catchup by adding activity streams this late in the game.
For the Activity Streams standard to be a viable linchpin of the decentralized social web, it must also adhere to these principles.
Activity Streams标准要成为分散社交网络的关键要素,也必须坚持这些原则。
If you want only FriendsLists and Activity Streams, you can choose to use just those plugins, or you could simply install everything.
Although it is a young standard, activity Streams is fast becoming the DE facto method for syndicating activity between web applications.
The standard atom: title and atom: content elements have been retained for use with parsers that do not support Activity Streams feeds.
标准的atom:title和atom:content元素被保留用于不支持Activity Streams订阅源的解析器。
However, many Activity Streams-compatible tools might not have any knowledge of these terms, which can cause problems during aggregation.
然而,许多兼容activity Streams的工具可能还不知道有这些概念,这可能会在聚合时造成问题。
As corporate intranets and internal software become more social, solid business reasons support implementing Activity Streams as a feature.
随着企业内部网和内部软件越来越社交化,有充分的商业理由支持将Activity Streams实现为一个功能。
As web users rely more and more on activity streams for information consumption, it makes sense to be able to syndicate and subscribe to activity stream data.
In Listing 3, I converted the entry element from the example Atom feed in Listing 1 into an Activity Streams representation of Ben Werdmuller Posting a blog entry.
在清单3中,我将清单1中的示例Atom订阅源的entry元素转换为BenWerdmuller发布的一篇博客文章的Activity Streams表示。
Here you'll create a basic PHP encoder object that represents an Activity Streams feed when you convert it to a string (for example, by using the PHP echo statement with it).
这里您将创建一个基本的PHP编码器对象,当您将它转换成一个字符串时(例如,通过使用PHPecho语句进行处理),它会表示一个Activity Streams订阅源。
And the proposed Atom media extension allows media items such as photographs, video and audio files, and business presentations to be embedded within an Activity Streams feed.
而被提议的AtomMedia扩展允许将多媒体项目(如照片、视频和音频文件、商业展示)嵌入到一个Activity Streams订阅源中。
The digg button is not only the most prominent element on the site's home page; it's also the central element on all of the site's category pages and in activity streams as well.
This article describes Activity Streams in detail, considers its potential uses in enterprise environments, and provides some examples for interpreting Activity Streams feeds using PHP.
本文详细阐述了Activity Streams,列出了它在企业环境中的潜在用途,并举例说明了使用PHP解析 Activity Streams订阅源。
The Activity streams format also creates possibilities for aggregating multiple streams to track a company's interactions and quantify progress towards goals across commercial social media sites.
Activity streams格式也使聚合多个流来跟踪公司的交互和在商业社交媒体网站中界定目标成为可能。
The __toString() method includes the XML header and namespace declarations required for correct use of the Activity Streams vocabulary. Listing 9 shows the addEntry() and __toString() methods
__toString()方法包含了正确使用Activity Streams词汇表所需要的XML头和名称空间声明。
Although this action has only a single object, it is valid to embed multiple objects in an Activity Streams entry-for example, to modify Listing 3 to represent the action Ben posted two blog entries.
虽然这个动作只有一个对象,但是可以在Activity Streams项中嵌入多个对象—例如,修改清单3以表示动作Benpostedtwoblog entries。
Again, like Facebook Connect, this is a feature that appears to make it easy for apps to publish user activity and promotional messages out into the Twitter streams of a user's friends.
That indicates that there will be little or delayed activity in that cycle, said Hill, who tracks jet streams.
These conditions are generally restricted to high gradient streams entering a deep lake or where tidal activity homogenizes the water masses, thereby destroying any gradients.
With this software you can quickly and easily broadcast live media streams over network, record videos, take a snapshots and capture all motion activity.
With this software you can quickly and easily broadcast live media streams over network, record videos, take a snapshots and capture all motion activity.