If the Chinese therapy of acupuncture, Chinese medicine is the most features and advantages of treatment services.
BACKGROUND: Acupuncture in Chinese traditional medicine improves capacity of brain on resisting injury and accelerates injury repair in treatment of ischemic brain injury.
Observe the integrated practice of acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, Chinese herbal medicine and tui-na massage for the treatment of common diseases.
Treatment group (acupuncture and Chinese medicine) and control group (simple use of Chinese medicine) on the two sets of clinical therapeutic effect analysis and evaluation.
Result Prescriptions of acupuncture and Chinese medicine are both important means of treatment, both the there is potential, but also the somewhat short.
It is understood that WHO has developed the standards of Chinese medicine acupuncture treatment, charts, norms and suggested that more than 100 members will include public health system.
The treatment effect of peripheral nerve injury caused by earthquake is not so ideal, but traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture have unique effect in treating peripheral nerve injury.
It includes the treatments applying with the pattern identification, the treatments of herbs, the treatment of Chinese patent medicine, the treatment of acupuncture, herbs immersing and so on.
Objective :To observe the effect of combined acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, and the effect of purely traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of insomnia.
前言: 目的:观察针药结合与单纯中药治疗失眠症的临床疗效。
Compared with Chinese Herbal Medicine treatment, blood-letting plus electric needle acupuncture has better curative effect in improving patients' sleeping quality and daily activity function.
In addition, blood pressure is able to adjust by taking Chinese medicine, as well as acupuncture and acupoint treatment, massages and phlebotomy therapy.
Objective: To observe the treatment effectiveness of traumatic synovitis on knee-joint by comprehensive therapy of acupuncture scalpel combined with traditional Chinese medicine and rehabilitation.
Objective: To observe the treatment effectiveness of traumatic synovitis on knee-joint by comprehensive therapy of acupuncture scalpel combined with traditional Chinese medicine and rehabilitation.