Urinary Angiotensinogen Level Predicts AKI in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure: a Prospective, Two-Stage Study.
Exogenous brain natriuretic peptide can significantly improve acute decompensated heart failure symptoms, related drugs already available.
The acute decompensated heart failure National Registry (ADHERE) : opportunities to improve care of patients hospitalized with acute decompensated heart failure.
The purpose of our study was to describe the association between elevated cardiac troponin levels and adverse events in hospitalized patients with acute decompensated heart failure.
Acute decompensated heart failure accounts for over one million hospital admissions per year, and the estimated direct and indirect cost for heart failure in 2009 is more than $30 billion.
Acute decompensated heart failure accounts for over one million hospital admissions per year, and the estimated direct and indirect cost for heart failure in 2009 is more than $30 billion.