While the clip might look like a new ad campaign, Bridges said the only goal was to show generosity and sympathy.
This ad campaign worked like a charm.
A seven-day TV ad campaign could swallow up the best part of $100,000.
Some years ago, Shell carried out a very successful AD campaign in Canada and the US.
The AD campaign was false, but it was working.
In addition to the AD campaign, Alibaba is also reaching out to U.S. users with training videos, contests and events and business development deals.
Though you might have a single display AD campaign, you can serve it by multiple means of targeting to increase your chances for response.
You committed to an AD campaign that was shorter than your product selling cycle.
A digital-ad campaign evoking what Chen calls "a calmer time" — alongside the launch of a new line of simple, classically designed bikes — helped get the company back on track.
That is the message eBay is pushing with a new green shopping site and AD campaign.
He offered to create Obama's AD campaign but became annoyed because Obama's strategist David Axelrod wasn't sufficiently deferential (HuffPo).
In a new multimillion-dollar AD campaign, Snapple also promotes natural ingredients.
Farnsworth now pays a host of vendors with company stock, including distributors, consultants and, most recently, singer Chaka Kahn, who will promote the brand in a new AD campaign.
泰德现在用公司股票支付许多供应商,包括分销商和顾问,还有刚刚加入的歌手查可。卡恩(Chaka Kahn),查可将在一个新的广告活动中推广紫饮品牌。
The new U.S. AD campaign was designed with Traction, an AD agency in San Francisco.
Introduce it with a mammoth AD campaign that shows the makers of other Windows PCs running for cover, as if they've been fearing Apple's monstrous entry into their market for decades.
Three years ago, So-Low launched a nationwide AD campaign, focusing heavily on sunny regions and distributing free sunglasses there.
3年前,So -Low开展了一次全国性的广告推广活动,主要集中于日照较多的地区,在那里散发免费的太阳镜。
214The following was published by a consumer protection agency. "Three years ago, So-Low launched a nationwide ad campaign, focusing heavily on sunny regions and distributing free sunglasses there.
Yahoo's (YHOO) $100 million "It's Y!ou" ad campaign is one such example.
Since then he has held numerous corporate directorships and, uncharacteristically, appeared in an AD campaign for Chrysler (reportedly to help the ailing firm, rather than for the cash).
An ad campaign was rolled out to encourage immigrants to learn German.
德国推出形象宣传片,鼓励外来移民学习德语。 在宣传片中,名人们伸出涂着黄黑红三色德国国旗的舌头。
Suppose you have chosen a non-commercial license for a photograph, but a company really wants to use it in its ad campaign.
Newegg even took this to the next level with a recent nationwide ad campaign and design.
The AD campaign, inspired by similar advertising in the United States, is the first of its kind in Japan, said to be the world's largest per capita consumer of eggs.
Vivendi, a telecoms and media group, for instance, found Aliza Jabès, the glamorous founder of NUXE, a beauty-products firm, having used her in an ad campaign for its corporate mobile-phone products.
Weave this stuff into an AD campaign, and we may be powerless to resist it.
Weave this stuff into an AD campaign, and we may be powerless to resist it.