We then performed basic, AD hoc testing on the containers used less often.
A QA team can become much more effective and efficient by replacing an AD hoc testing approach with formal, repeatable processes that include test planning, defect cause analysis, and automated tests.
Exploratory testing, on the other hand, can be more AD hoc.
This means queries are more AD hoc and not subject to the same performance testing and tuning found in transaction processing systems.
If your product isn't meant to be automated in the customer's environment, then you want a combination of automation, AD hoc, exploratory, and customer scenario testing.
It was my understanding that Ad Hoc distribution isn't "little-known", but rather is a common practice for beta testing apps prior to submitting them to Apple for approval.
我理解Ad Hocdistribution不是“鲜为人知”,而是对beta测试应用提交给苹果请求批准之前的一般做法。
Python project testing was once a very ad-hoc and personal affair.
Beyond a learning and testing tool, LINQPad is growing in popularity as a utility to perform ad-hoc queries against a SQL database.
Your testing is AD hoc, nothing is written down, and there's nothing to automate.
There is a difference, however, between casual, ad-hoc unit testing based on knowledge of the problem and structured, and repeatable unit testing based on the requirements of the system.
There is a difference, however, between casual, ad-hoc unit testing based on knowledge of the problem and structured, and repeatable unit testing based on the requirements of the system.