The wavefront reconstructor which is often used in adaptive optical system has been built.
In the adaptive optical system, the fitting errors of wavefront impact correct effect of phase corrector directly.
The precise and frequency requirement is very important for wave-front reconstruction and control in an adaptive optical system.
In normal adaptive optical system, the deformable mirror and the wavefront sensor are conjugated in order to achieve the best wavefront correction.
The response speed of the micro deformable mirrors is rapid, which can meet the needs the of the real time modulation of the adaptive optical system.
The control characteristics of low light level 61 element adaptive optical system are analyzed based on an one order proportional integral controller.
Scintillation increases when laser propagates long distance near horizontally in the atmosphere, which limits the ability of conventional adaptive optical system.
The wavefront corrector is one of the key parts of an adaptive optical system. It is difficult to fabricate and is easy to damage if an improper voltage is applied.
The H-S method has been extensively used in the adaptive optical system for its simple optical system, without any active part, higher optical efficiency and can be used in detector array.
The adaptive optical system is composed of the wavefront sensor, the wave front constructor and the wavefront corrector, which can correct the wavefront aberration distorted by atmospheric turbulence.
In this paper, adaptive importance sampling (is) techniques is used to estimate the crosstalk and the BER of the WDM system model consisting of wavelength routing device and optical receiver.
The cost of the optical system with the unitary wave front correctors instead of the adaptive wave front correctors is reduced significantly.
The cost of the optical system with the unitary wave front correctors instead of the adaptive wave front correctors is reduced significantly.