An adaptive optics system has temporal bandwidth and spatial bandwidth.
The noise of wavefront sensor is a major noise source in adaptive optics system.
In adaptive optics system, the noise of wavefront sensor is a major error source.
The theoretical results were verified using the experimental results on a 61-element adaptive optics system.
The relationship between residual servo variance and control bandwidth of an adaptive optics system is discussed.
In order to effectively use the performances of the adaptive optics system, the above two bandwidths must be matched.
For an example, the problem of choosing the optimal control bandwidth of the 61 element adaptive optics system is discussed.
In high power solid-state laser driver, the calibration of reference wavefront is a key technique in the use of adaptive optics system.
The mechanical oscillation of the fast steering mirror in adaptive optics system and its effect on control stability are discussed in this paper.
This Adaptive Optics system is based on deconvolution Adaptive Optics theory, which has used the wavefront detecting and image deconvolution restoration technology.
A microminiature adaptive optics system with a 37-channel micromachined membrane deformable mirror (MMDM) were built, which features low cost, low power consumption, small size.
In adaptive optics system, wavefront computation refers to a class of processing consisting of wavefront slope computation, wavefront reconstruction and wavefront control algorithm.
The influence of the bandwidth (time delaying) and the deformable mirror interactuator spacing of the adaptive optics system on the phase compensation efficiency are discussed in detail.
When intensity of the atmospheric turbulence becomes stronger, or the cut off spatial frequency of the adaptive optics system becomes higher, the influence of transverse wind becomes stronger.
The structure function of residual wavefront phase perturbation compensated by an adaptive optics system has been derived by means of frozen turbulence hypothesis and geometric optics approach.
Several methods for correction of ocular aberrations, such as adaptive optics system, excimer laser corneal surgery and other aspheric methods were reviewed, and the encountering problems were listed.
In this system, called an adaptive optics ophthalmoscope, a laser creates a reference point that is used to correct the blurring of the image obtained with a fundus camera.
Several key techniques used in the high energy laser system nowadays, such as adaptive optics, beam control, have been challenged on the way from laboratory to practical application.
System performance is influenced seriously by the phase disturbance caused by atmospheric turbulence and the problem may be solved by using the adaptive optics compensation.
System performance is influenced seriously by the phase disturbance caused by atmospheric turbulence and the problem may be solved by using the adaptive optics compensation.