Simply use the Add-in manager for MonoDevelop to download OpenOffice Automation Samples to get the necessary templates.
只需简单地使用MonoDevelop中的插件管理器(Add-in manager)来下载OpenOffice自动化示例(Automation Samples),就可以获得需要的模板。
To add keyword search select Manage Search Engines… in the search engines menu to open the Search Engines Manager, select a search engine, press Edit Keyword… and enter a few characters to define one.
While remaining strictly within the standard, the SRGS definition permits you to add a couple of details that are helpful in generating a dialog manager.
Add the repository created in Step 2 to the Installation Manager Settings.
In the Lotus Notes client, open the Organization Directory database, and then add two workgroups as editor and manager.
Tivoli Access Manager provides the ability to define a protected object space and add ACLs to the objects at any location in the object hierarchy.
Create some test objects in Access Manager, such as users, groups, and protected resources, and then add an Access Control List policy.
Click OK to add the Subclipse update site to the list in the update manager.
In this case, add a filter to the custom administrative client to identify only those state changes that apply to the deployment manager.
Contact the building system manager to add your module in the list of modules to build.
The new add-ons manager, which loads in a tab of its own instead of a separate window.
If you are comfortable in writing OCL, you can add a note to the model detailing the fact that a manager cannot manage herself, as shown in Figure 10.
The Add-ons Manager has been slightly revamped and opens in a newtab rather than in the previously smaller window.
It is this content pane that you use to set the layout manager and add components to, as shown in Figure 1.
In Part 4, "Starting and stopping the cluster," you'll add the ability to start a cluster based on its last saved state to the cluster manager Web service.
Now add the architectural concept of the service Bus, represented in Figure 3 by the heavy center line, and a service or flow manager to connect the services and provide a path for service requests.
现在,添加属于体系结构概念范围的服务总线(Service Bus)(在图3中用深色的中线表示)和服务或流管理器来连接服务和提供服务请求的路径。
Start the Portfolio Manager client application and log in as a user who has administrative rights to change and add templates.
To add documents to the folder you created in the previous step, click the Import File button at the top of the Document Manager portlet.
要将文档添加到您在前一步骤中创建的文件夹,可单击DocumentManager Portlet顶部的ImportFile按钮。
Keep in mind that you can only add portal administrators to the List Manager role.
Add multi-instance queue manager in cluster as full repository.
Using Eclipse's update manager, it's easy to add Subclipse to your Eclipse installation, which lets you use this superior (in my opinion, at least) version-control system directly from Eclipse.
In the add Site window (see Figure 1), enter the URL address of an existing Rational Asset Manager server and select to install all features.
When you add a new link in the link manager, you may specify in this section of the SubPanel the relationship you share in real life with the author of the page to which you're linking.
To support a new device in WebSphere Portal, use the Client Manager portlet available on the Portal Administration Page Group and add your device to the device list.
为了在WebSpherePortal中支持新设备,请使用门户管理页面组(Portal Administration Page Group)中的客户机管理器(ClientManager)portlet并把设备添加到设备列表中。
In the other hand, database manager can add, delete, check and change data to maintenance and update database by long-distance management.
Every year we get requests from around the world from people who want us to add a translated version of Football Manager in their language.
In Photo Manager, click Add Photo Button and select either Device Photo Library or URL as the photo source.
The organizational restructuring scheme centered on the major customer manager system was proposed in order to add customer value.
In the web server of network teaching system, student cramp out the title, answer the title from it, teacher add to the title, amend the title in it, manager add to the user, d…
此网站能够实现学生从题库中抽取题目,回答题目,老师向题库中添加题目,修改题目及管理员添加用户,删除用户等功能。 文中介绍了制作此网站所需要的开发…
In the web server of network teaching system, student cramp out the title, answer the title from it, teacher add to the title, amend the title in it, manager add to the user, d…
此网站能够实现学生从题库中抽取题目,回答题目,老师向题库中添加题目,修改题目及管理员添加用户,删除用户等功能。 文中介绍了制作此网站所需要的开发…