Create new group then click Add Layer Mask icon.
Add layer mask and paint some parts of the line with black.
Create new group for the photo. See picture below for reference on its position. Draw rectangular selection in front of the camera. Click Add Layer Mask icon.
Add a layer mask to this layer as shown below, this will create a better lighting contrast for the hand and make this overall image look better.
You can, for instance, add a mask to the texture layer for finer control, and paint in black on it to hide parts that are too textured.
Group all the shapes used to compose the robot and Add a Layer Mask, as previously done, to obtain the following result.
Click on the Add a layer mask button at the bottom of the Layers Panel and select the Brush Tool (b).
Now we are going to mask out the top right corner of the moon. Click on the Add a layer mask button at the bottom of the Layers Panel.
Add a mask to this layer (Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All), select a small black brush tip (B) and paint with it over the shadow from the right side of the paper corner to erase it.
这一层(图层 > 图层蒙版 >显示全部)添加蒙版,选择一个黑色的小笔尖(B)和涂抹它的右侧的纸护角的影子,将其擦除。
Rename this layer as "Tower". Then add a vector mask to this layer, grab the gradient Tool and apply the following gradient to the mask.
Step 17create new layer and convert it to Clipping Mask. Draw shadow on lower corner to add depth onto the shape.
Step 17create new layer and convert it to Clipping Mask. Draw shadow on lower corner to add depth onto the shape.