If you do not add on to a current position but your stop moves up along with your trade, then you are locking in profits.
Eventually they will grow to add up to meaning, and it will get easier to understand, and to add on to what you can understand.
She instructed Sarah to continually add on to her house, and that if the renovations ever stopped, the ghosts would claim her life.
One of the most interesting features of jQuery is its plug-in architecture, allowing many developers to add on to the functionality of jQuery.
jQuery的最有趣的特性之一是它的插件架构,它允许很多开发人员添加新的 jQuery功能。
Similarly, the lexer has to know about the structure of continuations; the parser only knows that it sometimes gets additional text to add on to a header.
It is useful not only when companies want to keep their definitions separate, but also when companies want to add on to an industry standard for internal use.
The Romans had to keep on cooking up new letters every time their numbers got bigger - C for 100, D for 500, M for 1, 000 - because they didn't have zeros to add on to the end.
当数字增大时,罗马人只能疲于接招,不断地创造出新的字母用来标记数字 ——C代表100,D代表500,M代表1000 ——因为在他们的数字系统中不能将‘0’添加在数字后面。想感觉100万有多大?
One especially nice feature about DB2 Express is that it is 'Enterprise Extensible' through a Feature Pack that you can add on to a DB2 Express installation to enrich it with enterprise services.
DB2Express 的一个非常优秀的特性是您可以通过一个Feature Pack 进行企业性扩展,将这个特性包添加到 DB2 Express安装可以丰富企业服务。
As an English speaker you need to be able to understand and apply basic grammar rules, then add on to this with different sentence structures and advanced vocabulary then finally native phrases.
Let me add a postscript to this section on diet.
Add to this the excellent service and you can see why it's the most popular hotel on the island.
Follow the instructions on the page for your phone to add the bookmark as a shortcut on your app launcher.
The editor will mark the validation errors with red marks on the left and right sides, and add a red wavy underline to the invalid syntax.
This latest incident will add to the pressure on the White House.
On the face of it that seems to make sense. But the figures don't add up.
The company offers scuba-diving as an add-on to the basic holiday price.
A little mustard is served on the side to add further piquancy.
It is the victim who is often put on trial and, to add insult to injury, she is presumed guilty until proven innocent of provoking the rape.
Dozens of recording stars began converging on a Hollywood studio Monday to add their voices to a song they hope will raise millions of dollars for Haitian earthquake relief.
However, the Japanese company behind Megahonyaku promises to add new expressions regularly, which users can get on the Internet.
Add to that reluctance on the part of governments to spend resources on promoting dietand exercise while starvation is still a real threat, and the result is a recipe for inaction.
Add to that reluctance on the part of governments to spend resources on promoting diet and exercise while starvation is still a real threat, and the result is a recipe for inaction.
Once you have a first draft on paper, you can delete material that is unrelated to your thesis and add material necessary to illustrate your points and make your paper convincing.
As the family increases in size, it is essential to add more insurance on the breadwinner to protect the dependents.
Rather than meeting up and talking about what we want to post online, we just add to what someone—maybe a stranger on the other side of the world—already wrote.
It's too factual on its own, you need to add some comment in that section about the implications of the figures.
You've got to juggle the two equations, multiply that by 4, multiply that by 3, add and subtract and so on.
With WCF, Microsoft is adding major new technologies to the basic.net platform (though several are currently available in the form of the WSE 3.0 add-on to the basic.net).
通过WCF,Microsoft将向基本. NET平台添加主要的新技术(虽然其中一些当前已通过WSE 3.0加载项提供给基本. NET)。
A final article will explain how to use an RSA add-on to create the artifacts introduced.