You simply cannot add the percentages from two facts together and come up with a meaningful result.
Although they are separate, together they all add up to something; they are connected with each other and with other cities.
“You don’t need to be extreme to be in the healthy category, ” said lead researcher Elisabeth Kvaavik of the University of Oslo. “These behaviors add up, so together it’s quite good.
we don't walk around putting discrete items together until they add up to a context;
Let me do it in blue. The total pressure if you add up these two straight lines together, you got another straight line.
If rates were raised high enough to restrain mortgage lending, they could also jeopardise the broader economy, especially since household and corporate debt together add up to as much as 200% of GDP.
The holy (or unholy) trinity of chick flicks, these three movies together almost add up to one decent film. Almost.
Work on your personal appearance. Making small changes every week will add up. Take time to put together nice clothes or go to the gym.
Together, that would add up to roughly 300 calories.
Because all of these things add up in a hurry, I encourage teams to put together a rules of engagement document to make clear some of the most basic rules and interactions.
Add up all the hours together and it turns out that I spent most of it sitting down, watching other fictitious people live their lives.
He knows that his mom and dad run a business together, but I can see that it doesn't always add up in his mind.
Add up the points you won together.
Add together the range of options and the desire to act quickly, and Congress's jobs package, much like the original stimulus, will probably end up as an ugly mishmash.
Together they add up and help you to feel like a million dollars.
Oh, well, it was million tiny little things, and where you add them all up, it just meant that we were supposed to be together And I knew it.
You don't need to be extreme "to be in the healthy category, Kvaavik said." These behaviors add up, so together it's quite good.
The main page provides pattern and enables to relate between each module, and they together add up to the integrity of the web site system.
The main page provides pattern and enables to relate between each module, and they together add up to the integrity of the web site system.