Changes in the input voltage lower the barrier and increase current flow in transistors, just as adding an enzyme to a chemical reaction speeds it up.
Adding enzyme to the feed can help animal to digest nutrient of the feed and increase efficiency of the feed and promote animal to grow up.
Results show that better clarifying effects can be obtained by adding fruit enzyme, isinglass and single peaceful respectively.
In another aspect, the method comprises adding to a food material an enzyme capable of reducing the level of reducing sugar.
During the fermenting period of the beancurd, the use of decreasing the fermenting period of the beancurd by regulating the temperature? Adding to yeast bacteria and complex enzyme is obvious.
The results also showed: adding NSP enzyme into duck diets can significantly improve duck production performance, reduce feed costs and enhance economic efficiency.
Then adding a variety of activating agents , the enzyme production of Aspergillus oryzae were investigated on the basis of the conditions of the best starter propagation process;
Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein enzyme maintaining the length of the telomeres by adding G-rich repeats to the end of the eukaryotic chromosomes.
Effects on growth, nutrient apparent metabolic rate and digestive enzyme activity of broilers by adding antibiotic and Berberis extract were studied.
The positive effect of adding co-enzyme preparations was greater than that of adding single enzyme. Finally, the ratio of enzyme was related to …
Adding stabilized rice bran which lost Enzyme activity to bread, through a storage technological experiments, we attain an optimal formula of them.
The enzyme may also help break down pheromones, adding to evidence that an ability to sniff out rivals can trigger aggressive behaviour.
The enzyme may also help break down pheromones, adding to evidence that an ability to sniff out rivals can trigger aggressive behaviour.