He did invite both Gbagbo and Ouattara to African Union-sponsored talks in Addis Ababa on Thursday.
With the exception of South Africa, the only light rail metro system in sub-Saharan Africa is in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
She is unlikely to be let out before the poll as she could pose a real threat to the Eger in Addis Ababa and other cities.
Tafari Assefa now plays his drums in a band at the bar of the Jupiter Hotel, one of the newer establishments in Addis Ababa, the capital.
Many years ago, at the beginning of my athlete career, I was injured in the Addis Ababa Marathon, and I could not walk for almost a week.
Mush Valley is only about 160 kilometers northeast of the modern capital city, Addis Ababa, but it feels as though it could be a thousand miles away.
MushValley 距现代化的首都亚的斯亚贝巴东北方向只有160公里,但它给人的感觉有上千英里远。
A new railway is planned from Djibouti to Addis.
It is home to just over 2m people, fewer than Addis Ababa.
From these ports the grain is freighted down to Addis Ababa.
Flying from Addis to Nairobi is nearly as costly as flying to Europe.
Three of them are British diplomats based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's capital.
After 14 hours flighting, the airplane finally arrived in Addis Ababa Airport safely.
Similarly, traders in Addis Ababa would never buy product unless they saw the quality themselves.
Ethiopian airlines (ethiopianairlines.com) is one of Africa's best, with a good hub at Addis Ababa.
This is a masterful architectural study of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, with wider application.
Mr Gbagbo refused to go to the Addis Ababa meeting, perhaps afraid that he would be prevented from coming back.
The African Union, based in Addis Ababa, says a famine would wreck the region's prospects and worsen general instability.
It just beats Nigeria's Lagos and Abuja and is well ahead of Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa, seat of the African Union (AU).
Addis Ababa, Accra, Luanda, may be fetid in parts—shockingly so for those coming from richer countries—but they have low fertility.
Yusuf Tamiru spends his days sitting in a guard shack in an upscale Addis Ababa neighborhood dreaming of life in the United States.
Scientists from the University of Addis Ababa who are working on the project will undertake collaborative research visits to the UK.
It happens to be Africa's second biggest maize producer and a big wheat producer too. But then look at Addis Ababa's grimy grain market.
She is unlikely to be let out again before the poll as she could, some say, pose a real threat to the EPRDF in Addis Ababa and other cities.
The crisis in Zimbabwe may also loom large at a meeting of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, which kicks off on Sunday February 1st.
Tafari Assefa now plays his drums in a band at the bar of the Jupiter Hotel, one of the fancier newer establishments in Addis Ababa, the capital.
Tafari Assefa now plays his drums in a band at the bar of the Jupiter Hotel, one of the fancier newer establishments in Addis Ababa, the capital.