Estonian include inessive, elative and adessive.
Estonian include inessive, elative, adessive, and the system is riddled with irregularities and exceptions.
Latin’s six cases cower in comparison with Estonian’s 14, which include inessive, elative, adessive, abessive, and the system is riddled with irregularities and exceptions.
拉丁语六种格的变化与爱沙尼亚语的14种相比,真是小巫见大巫了。 爱沙尼亚语包括内格,从格,近处格,还充斥着各种不规则现象和例外情况。
Latin’s six cases cower in comparison with Estonian’s 14, which include inessive, elative, adessive, abessive, and the system is riddled with irregularities and exceptions.
拉丁语六种格的变化与爱沙尼亚语的14种相比,真是小巫见大巫了。 爱沙尼亚语包括内格,从格,近处格,还充斥着各种不规则现象和例外情况。