Step One: Have Adidas or Nike or Puma donate a million footballs across India - a football for every village and city in India.
That, too, hit at the rich end of the industry's supply chain, linking beef and leather from the Amazon to companies such as Adidas, Nike, Toyota, Gucci and Kraft.
Li Ning faces stiff competition in China from Nike and Adidas.
Adidas bought U.S.-based Reebok in 2005, seeking to reduce the company's bloated cost base and revitalize the brand, which was losing ground to competitors like Nike Inc.
Multinationals like Adidas, General Electric, Nike and Wal-Mart can now see which of their suppliers are repeat offenders, and may put pressure on them to clean up.
Nike and adidas were in a fierce battle to sign him.
The competition between adidas and Nike also heated up.
The World Cup Brand Winner: Adidas or Nike?
Industry insiders say it may be no coincidence that players from Brazil, sponsored by Adidas rival Nike, have been among the ball's most vociferous critics.
Do you hear in that slogan the echo of Nike (" Just Do It ") and Adidas (" Nothing Is Impossible ")? I certainly did.
不知道你是否从这个口号里听出点耐克(“JustDoIt ”)或者阿迪达斯(“NothingIsImpossible ”)的回声,至少我觉得有点儿。
Once again Nike faces the Adidas official-sponsor shutout approach, and once again Nike opts for a digital offense. Only this time, its marketers take a very different approach.
But Nike executives told investors that its gear is dominating the World Cup, giving it a visibility that will spur future sales and shrink that gap with Adidas.
But if you have a little money left, hit the Las Vegas Shopping Center, which has 130 stores, including Nike, Adidas, and 11 home-furnishing stores.
'Consumers who are just starting to shop are buying Nike and Adidas because those were the names they know,' said Mr.
And marketing networks, it is Nike, Adidas, these foreign brands lack.
Jeroen B. Jacobs: Consumers of China pay attention to the big brand very much, for example, Nike, Adidas, a lot of people wear too in U. S. a.
She wrote: "the bags for example have big Nike logo in the front and the zippers are adidas."
Rather, markets there are dominated by Nike, Adidas and many home-grown sports brands. This gives strong potential for growth for a well-directed campaign.
Both Nike and Adidas have sponsored youth tournaments in Las Vegas.
Portland, Oregon, close to where athletic gear maker Nike Inc. is based, rated a 5, even though German rival Adidas is sponsoring the Athens games.
In return Nike and Adidas get exposure, loyalty and a pipeline for promising players.
Then he told me something else. Li-Ning shoes were purposely priced 20 percent below their Nike and Adidas equivalent.
Nike faces increasingly fierce competition as Germanys Adidas-Salomon prepares to buy Reebok International in a move to boost its US position.
He has said Nike twice and Adidas once when he talked about sports wear.
He decided to launch a new sportswear, competing with global giants like Nike and Adidas.
According to reports, "Nike" with "Adidas" sports have been to China following the North American market as they are the second largest sporting goods market after sales market.
According to reports, "Nike" with "Adidas" sports have been to China following the North American market as they are the second largest sporting goods market after sales market.