In addition to the base color, it USES the two colors adjacent to its complement.
In this case, you can use complementary colors of the color scheme (see "Selecting the right color" part), and the adjacent space to create a harmonious and consistent color matching.
Finally, the weight between region compactness and color similarity among adjacent regions is discussed and used to merge regions.
They come to pieces so that maintenance can be done manually, and the difference in color of all adjacent pieces helps any partially replaced piece not to distinguish itself.
I'll take you to an adjacent cafe, despite the absence of neon lamp, but there comparison, computer color according to the girls, you can see the girl's body.
The results show that the algorithm can correct the adjacent camera image brightness and color difference effectively, and makes a good improvement for image mosaic at later period.
The paper analyzes the reasons resulting in color differences among adjacent RS images and it also discusses the key techniques and typical algorithms related to RS image seamless processing.
Given an array with n objects colored red, white or blue, sort them so that objects of the same color are adjacent, with the colors in the order red, white and blue.
It has been found that the color coordinate purity is higher for the multilayer systems if the film with higher refractive index is adjacent to the glass.
You can select a color name from the drop-down list, or you can click the adjacent ellipsis (. ) Button to display the Color Picker dialog box and choose additional colors.
Artron Color printing Center is adjacent to the Beijing Capital Airport, which includes the printing workshops, administration offices, and other facilities, as well as a small gallery.
Click on a circle to flip over vertically and horizontally adjacent circles. when all the circle are same color you will be enter the next mission, game has three modes easy, normal, hard.
It's the same fun game as the original Fire Drop where you tap on 3 or more adjacent cauldrons of the same color to destroy them.
This standard is applied to tonal and adjacent platinic - of cobaltic standard solution, of chroma of reagent of liquid of clear and transparent, light color determine.
This standard is applied to tonal and adjacent platinic - of cobaltic standard solution, of chroma of reagent of liquid of clear and transparent, light color determine.