The value of adjuvant chemotherapy is controversial.
Chemotherapy given in this manner is called adjuvant chemotherapy.
At least 6 months had to have passed since prior adjuvant chemotherapy.
To evaluate the effect of adjuvant chemotherapy in invasive bladder cancer.
The main treatments were operations , adjuvant chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
These results highlight the urgent need for further research into the use of adjuvant chemotherapy.
PURPOSE Premenopausal women with breast cancer receiving adjuvant chemotherapy are at risk for amenorrhea.
Objective:To explore the types and causes of infection postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer.
In this paper, the new WHO diagnosis standard and conservative surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy are described.
Objective To study the clinical effects of new adjuvant chemotherapy on locally advanced carcinoma of the cervix.
Objective:Making Retrospective a na lyses of the osteosarcoma patients adopting new adjuvant chemotherapy in36ca ses.
In the absence of a clinical trial adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be considered on an individual basis.
Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Stage III Colon Cancer: Do Physicians Agree About the Importance of Patient age and Comorbidity?
医生认为II I期结肠癌新辅助化疗的患者年龄和伴随疾病重要吗?
The European Study Group for Pancreatic Cancer is now conducting a meta-analysis of trials of adjuvant chemotherapy worldwide.
"Our results provide support for the belief that adjuvant chemotherapy improves survival among older women," the authors write.
Methods:Retrospective analysis was applied to 7 cases of breast cancer with infection after postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy.
Objective: To study adverse drug reactions (ADRs) of adjuvant chemotherapy and hormonal treatment of patients with breast cancer.
Objective To analyse the effect of adjuvant chemotherapy combined radiotherapy of advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma (N2, N3 stage).
目的分析评价晚期(N 2, N3期)鼻咽癌放疗加辅助化疗的疗效。
Conclusion the treatment style of curative resection combined with adjuvant chemotherapy is reasonable for right pulmonary PN2 cases.
结论以手术为主的综合治疗是右肺PN 2非小细胞肺癌较好的治疗模式。
The optimal sequencing of adjuvant chemotherapy (CT) and radiation therapy (RT) in patients with early-stage breast cancer remains unclear.
Method: 11 patients with the diagnosis of osteosarcomas of the extremities were treated with adjuvant chemotherapy and limb salvage surgery.
Objecttive To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of limb salvage surgery combined with new adjuvant chemotherapy for extremity osteosarcoma.
Purpose to evaluate whether diabetes affects patterns of adjuvant chemotherapy use, toxic effects of chemotherapy, and breast cancer outcomes.
Conclusion Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy with ET regimen for 4 cycles were more effective than 2 cycles to down staging locally advanced breast cancer.
CONCLUSION Physical and psychosocial functioning improved significantly after breast cancer treatment, independent of receipt of adjuvant chemotherapy.
Conclusions: Our findings suggest that non-apoptotic fragments contribute to a higher degree to the change of the DNA level during adjuvant chemotherapy.
In the current case, we are dealing with a patient who has suffered a rapid (and symptomatic) relapse of her breast cancer following adjuvant chemotherapy.
We had 20 patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy and 62 patients of local-advanced or with tumor recurrence or metastasis receiving palliative chemotherapy.
Objective To investigate the effects of survival rate in the use of adjuvant chemotherapy containing paclitaxel on patients with breast cancer of HER-2 positive.
目的探讨含紫杉醇类辅助化疗方案对HER - 2(表皮生长因子受体2)阳性乳腺癌患者生存率的影响。
Adjuvant chemotherapy is a major part of comprehensive treatment for breast cancer, and it is also Paramount for preventing distal metastasis of the breast cancer.