An adventurous person could try to achieve the same effect as a 3d camera by capturing the same image from two angles using two Digital Cameras, or by taking the same shot from two angles.
For example, rather than just telling us "I am an adventurous person," why not show us your adventurous spirit by recounting your latest adventure with colorful details and descriptive language.
The adventurous eater is always looking for the nextgastronomic adventure. When it comes to food — and probably otherareas of life — this person is a thrill-seeker and arisk-taker.
If Emma had been with him. they would hae chatted but he would not have had this sense of being a distinct person, clear? Cut and adventurous against the big blue sky.
I'm not that adventurous type of person but I love going to different places and I dream of travelling around the world.
I'm not that adventurous type of person but I love going to different places and I dream of travelling around the world.