The rule of advice on evidence is conducive to the realization of substantive just, procedural just and efficiency.
But beyond this, little of the advice proliferating on the Internet is backed by any evidence.
His advice to Purdue: Look for evidence that the changes in radioactive decay on Earth vary with the rotation of the sun.
The days when public health could issue advice, based on the best scientific evidence, and expect the public to comply may be coming to an end.
I think that he is basing his advice on purely theoretical assumptions, and that there is no empirical evidence for his assertion.
The Committee found “no evidence of attempted or actual influence by commercial interests on advice given to or decisions made by WHO.”
Endoscope and washer disinfector manufacturers should all give clear evidence based advice on these aspects relating to their washers and these should be provided at the pre-purchase stage.
Endoscope and washer disinfector manufacturers should all give clear evidence based advice on these aspects relating to their washers and these should be provided at the pre-purchase stage.