The present investigation studied mechanism of inoculation of VT microbes on aerobic composting process by recording dynamics of temperature, the number of microorganism and biochemistry indexes.
Pretreatment of thermophilic aerobic static in-vessel composting, primary composting and their production process and equipment were introduced.
Technology of Boluo waste composting treatment pilot engineering and technology charateristics of aerobic fermentation process were introduced, thus composting product quality can be guaranteed.
Theromophilic aerobic composting is a process of organic matter degradation and transformation controlled by microorganism.
It is introduced a kind of thermophilic aerobic composting pretreatment process flow used in municipal sewage sludge treatment and the structural parameters of a sludge mixing and crushing machine.
Dynamic phosphorus contents during breeding and composting process of pig manure were studied by feeding pig with crop production, composting pig manure at aerobic condition.
Dynamic phosphorus contents during breeding and composting process of pig manure were studied by feeding pig with crop production, composting pig manure at aerobic condition.