Business is in the throes of a passionate love affair with simplicity - all the way up from product design to organisational design.
I've got friends, of course, but my business has always been the same a one-man affair. That is why I have always Played a lone hand.
Whatever else carnival may be, it is above all a pageant and no time for tears. And it is now a big business too, rather than the cosy community affair of old.
The affair has created something of a stigma around Mr Niel in top business circles, says a former colleague.
He found it inconceivable that a grown man of substance would let such trivialities affect his judgment in an affair of business, and one of such importance.
The British Business Awards have shown themselves this year to be truly a pan-China affair, with applicants from the length and breadth of China.
The British Business Awards have shown themselves this year to be truly a pan-China affair, with applicants from the length and breadth of China.