Muslim Khan, the chief spokesman of the Taleban in Swat, returned to Pakistan in 2002 after spending four years in the US as a construction worker.
After a while, a worker came in and handed me a bottle of milk and a piece of bread.
After the party, I met this worker.
These are cases in which a worker is infected with HIV and has a history of occupational exposure, but did not have a test immediately before and after the possible exposure.
One worker told the NGO investigators that he was forced to sign a "confession letter" after illicitly using a hairdryer. In the letter he wrote: "it is my fault."
The median male worker in America today makes less than the median male worker did, after inflation, in the 1970s.
Conveyers and robots take the evolving computer from station to station; each unit arrives in front of a worker a split second after she has finished with the previous one.
Earlier in June, hundreds of people battled police and destroyed cars in Guangdong after a factory worker was wounded in a knife attack over a wage row.
One worker reportedly killed herself after being repeatedly shouted at by bosses. Others cited worries over poisonous chemicals. Disney has now launched its own investigation.
This callback function will be invoked after the Worker script executes.
After that, the hall filled with thick smoke and part of the ceiling collapsed, said Mr. Spiridonov, the auto rental worker.
An Afghan brick worker shows his dirty feet, after using them to mix the clay on November 6th, 2009 in Kabul, Afghanistan.
The only surviving son of a Leningrad factory worker, he was born after what the Russians call the Great Patriotic War, in which they lost more than 26 million people.
Since the ServiceStatus structure is global to the whole program, the worker loop in ServiceMain stops after the current state changes and the service thread terminates.
由于ServiceStatus结构对于整个程序而言为全局量,ServiceStatus 中的工作循环在当前状态改变或服务终止后停止。
Home visits by a skilled health worker immediately after birth is a health strategy that can increase newborn survival rates.
A snapshot is taken of the current J2EE application context on the worker thread to restore later after the work completes.
The problems continued after her 1985 wedding to car worker David.
A former social worker, she's known for compassion: she has looked after her brother's two children since he died in a car crash 20 years ago.
Ms. Zhang says she was let go last month after her employer found that she and five compatriots had complained to a social worker about their work conditions.
Les Brown and his twin brother were adopted by Mamie Brown, a kitchen worker and maid, shortly after their birth in a poverty-stricken Miami neighborhood.
One worker, who was mentally impaired, died after being beaten by one of Mr. Heng’s helpers, and the police rescued 31 workers, who were thin and scarred.
While I was looking after my son, a lady who said she was the hospital's social worker called.
A Taiwanese shop worker dubbed Little Fatty told of his shock Thursday at becoming a Susan Boyle-like overnight Internet sensation after a flawless Whitney Houston rendition on a TV talent quest.
在日 前的一档电视选秀节目中,台湾一名被称为“小胖”的商店职员因完美演绎了一首惠特尼•休斯顿的歌曲一夜间走红网络,被称为男版苏珊·博伊尔。
After so many years of hard work, he remained to be an ordinary worker in that factory.
An oil worker is covered in crude after a leak in the war zone that is the country's oil-rich Niger Delta.
发生泄漏后,一名石油工人浑身沾满原油。事故发生在尼日利亚富含石油的尼日尔三角洲(Niger Delta)附近的一个战区。
An oil worker is covered in crude after a leak in the war zone that is the country's oil-rich Niger Delta.
发生泄漏后,一名石油工人浑身沾满原油。事故发生在尼日利亚富含石油的尼日尔三角洲(Niger Delta)附近的一个战区。