Through all these peaks and troughs, writers and artists and composers and the rest, as though rightly aware time was not on their side, flung out one formidable modern classic after another.
After all the social factor in all these tools is so strong and so many people seem to love these tools and spend time using them.
I hoped someday, in some better place, I'd get a chance to explain it to her, and maybe she'd be proud of me, one last time, after all these years.
But if I feel it strongly enough and in this case I mentioned last time I felt after all these years I can speak with some kind of authority and why aren't I speaking out. Right.
Alas, the text explains that these etched details have been more or less worn away by time. We are left with an odd and possibly fictional story: what we see, after all, is a plain old fruit pit.
We didn't worry too much — these were our own possessions, after all, and we wanted to give her time to adjust.
And she is the one that who stood by me after all these years and helped me to get through that hard time.
Plus in some of these markets, stocks and bonds were recently near all-time record highs, so valuations aren't so attractive even after the recent pullback.
These are, after all, busy parents committed to their work or their success in the larger society, and they do not have much left-over time in which to play with their children.
At the same time you have to keep in mind that all of these comments were written after the fact - after each trade was already closed.
Feel out who you'd love to spend time with because after all, these are the people you will be spending a majority of your time with over the next few months.
I don't know where you'll find your sister after all these years, she moved away from the town a long time ago.
These old people had nothing to do at home for their children had all gone to work. They would try to kill time after sending their grandson and granddaughter.
After all these years I can picture that old time to myself now, just as it was then.
After all, the point of these activities is to have a good time. If you know you won't, there's no reason to play.
Suddenly and for the first time, after all these years of missing a leg, I felt acutely self-conscious.
After all this time, all these worlds, and all this effort, becoming perfect...
After all, these 50 years have shown that isolation has not worked. It's time for a new approach.
I think it's time for me to get married and finally settle down after all these years of living abroad.
When I suggest any of these activities to Anton he looks terribly disappointed in me, as if discovering for the first time that his father is imperfect after all.
It's with great regret that I say after all the time that has passed, I still have no idea when these matters will be resolved and I really don't know what the future holds for me.
After seeing these advertisements all the time, people feel tired.
After sorting out and analyzing all the motions, this study thinks that these motions involve every aspect to administer Tibet at that time, and some reasonable ones are still valuable today.
本文对历届国民参政会的各项治藏议案作了整理和分析 ,认为这些议案涉及当时治藏问题的各个方面 ,其中的合理成分对于今天仍有一定的参考价值 ;
These pharmacas were all able to increase swimming time differently of mice and decrease serum lactic acid content after swimming (P<0.05, orp<0.01).
These pharmacas were all able to increase swimming time differently of mice and decrease serum lactic acid content after swimming (P<0.05, orp<0.01).