But they still earned 5.2%, after allowing for inflation, from equities over the next ten years, again in line with historic returns.
But they very rarely mention an important economic measure; the very low level of real interest rates (ie, after allowing for inflation).
Real interest rates (ie, after allowing for inflation) have been negative for the past two years and even now are barely positive (see chart).
Then, in the second quarter of 2008, it started to fall—not just as a proportion of income, or after allowing for inflation, but in everyday dollars and cents.
(para. 2) Ten years ago rich countries dominted the world economy, contributing around two-thirds of global GDP after allowing for differences in purchasing power.
Of course, XFS is a journaling filesystem, allowing for fast recovery after an unexpected reboot.
In 2001, after a four-year period of design and development, IBM released its hypervisor for its midrange UNIX systems, allowing for logical partitioning.
She said it could make bone marrow stem cell transplants an option for more patients, allowing doctors to collect and bank patients' own stem cells for use after high-dose chemotherapy.
Under the new healthcare plan, we only need to pay 8% if buying medicine, and after I turned 70 I got a senior citizen's pass allowing me to go to any park and take any bus for free.
Public interest grew after the opening of a new line between Alice Springs and Darwin, allowing people to make the two-day journey from Adelaide by rail for the first time.
Public interest grew after the opening of a new line between Alice Springs and Darwin, allowing people to make the two-day journey from Adelaide by rail for the first time.
NBC to launch new service allowing viewers to watch popular shows for free on their computers one week after airing.
After discussing the weather there is unlikely to be time for more conversation, or by then the weather might have changed allowing you to start again.
Invalid characters for XML are now ignored, allowing loading the project and files even after format transformations and network travel.
Indonesia is to stop allowing its citizens to work as domestic servants in Saudi Arabia after the execution of a maid for murder last week.
Use ice for 15-20 minutes several times a day (allowing for at least 45 minutes in between icing session), and after engaging in activities that utilize the tendon.
一天进行数次冷敷,并且在活动结束后也需要,每次进行15 ~ 20分钟。各次冰敷之间至少要间隔45分钟,让组织先回到正常的温度。
The first is a light green drop called Fluorescein. This tints your tears temporarily, allowing your doctor to determine the time it takes for your tears to dissipate after you blink.
This resolved after 1-2 days, allowing for colostomy.
We certainly send our best wishes to his wife, Ann Marie, and wish her a speedy recovery from her illness after bravely allowing Edwin to come back to play for us.
After taking a 2-0 lead, the miners ran out of steam in the second half, allowing Pinera's team of cabinet members and rescue workers to come back hard for a 3-2 win.
After taking a 2-0 lead, the miners ran out of steam in the second half, allowing Pinera's team of cabinet members and rescue workers to come back hard for a 3-2 win.